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  1. S

    Should I join a Fraternity/Frat life [Official thread]

    Did you ever join a frat in school? I recently was inducted into the Sigma Pi fraternity at my school. Were you guys ever into fraternities?
  2. S

    Best friends little sister came onto me

    Thanks guys, it feels good to know that you all agreed with my decision. She sent me a message on facebook the other day saying that she was sorry about it. And as for the age part, I'm 19, and she is 17. Thanks again guys.
  3. S

    Best friends little sister came onto me

    Hey guys. Got another little field report to share with you guys. I don't know if you saw my first post, about getting rejected by a girl when I made my move, but this night was a little interesting. I went over to one of my best friends house, and we decided to just start drinking. His...
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    My First Head-On Rejection

    Thanks you so much guys for the great advice! I'm not regretting what I did, because it was a big step for me in my opinion. Obviously, I executed it all wrong, and was way too aggressive I think. Next time, hopefully, I'll be bette prepared, and play my cards better. Just like to add a...
  5. S

    My First Head-On Rejection

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum, so I guess I'll start off by introducing myself and why I'm here, then I'll explain what happened last night. My name is Layne, I'm 19 years old, and I'm a virgin, and I've never really done anything with a girl past making out. My new years goal was to go...