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  1. T

    Where is "the masturbation discussion"

    Glad to see the thread is trying to stay alive. I am dating someone now, have fantastic sex and I don't ejaculate most of the time. She orgasms. There you have it. It works in my world. Just don't do it and become better and better.
  2. T

    So how do you steal away some guy's girlfriend?

    I have a similar issue but on a smaller scale. There is a girl at work that I flirt with constantly. She has a live-in boyfriend who pretty much looks average and has these stupid poses on their fbook pics. She and I have plenty of chemistry but you know, so what? You guys are right. Get my own...
  3. T

    george clooney should be your role model

    absolutely! George Clooney is the real deal. No doubt. I like Tom Cruise too, but that is open to maybe more controversy. These are real men who have discipline and drive and determination. They take up causes and don't care about getting into someone's pants over their ambition (well, if it's...