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  1. M

    My workout schedule *help*

    Boot Camp Sydney
  2. M

    Slimming Down

    Boot Camp Sydney
  3. M

    Eating too much fruit...

    Boot Camp Sydney
  4. M

    What do you guys eat?

    Boot Camp Sydney
  5. M

    My workout schedule *help*

    I don't think so there is any problem with your workout routine. I like your workout routine and i will try to follow it. If you want to build some muscles then do some weight lifting. Anyway nice post.
  6. M

    Slimming Down

    For slimming it is important to follow two most useful tools. One is exercise and second is diet. Both are important for slimming. Cardio is best way to lose weight. Running,walking and jogging are best exercises for slimming.
  7. M

    Eating too much fruit...

    According to me fruits are best diet food and i don't think so that there is any harm of eating fruits. Fruits are best source of energy so we can eat lot of fruits without any doubt.
  8. M

    What do you guys eat?

    Well i can eat everything but i prefer fruits and vegetables in my diet because these food are natural and healthy food. I also like fast food but i like to eat vegetables and fruits only.