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  1. H

    MY relapse to AFCism

    and're right....I've been asking myself that too.....why am I upset....she wants to bang bang and doesn't want anything out of it. **** I wouldn't mind a f*ck buddy. it might be my lack of sleeep the past few days thats f*cking with my head.
  2. H

    MY relapse to AFCism

    its not over.....i just need to be extremely aggressive and bang her. any good reads on how to be that aggressive?
  3. H

    MY relapse to AFCism

    wow.....I know I was just about doing what I do......talking to all the girls....(thanks to this site and lots of hard work at the gym) approaching girls is the easiest thing in the world..... anyways, this hb8 that i've been checking out and talking to for a few weeks got some kind of a hint...
  4. H

    MY relapse to AFCism

    wow.....can someone provide some tips on how to avoid or pass this "TEST"? How do you not act like a clingy AFC once you have the girl. I feel like I always get myself into this and it takes some time to get back into the game.