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  1. F

    Mental barriers and being self concious

    Hey. Im 16 and im getting braces soon... i already have glasses... This just sets up mental barriers and makes me more self concious. It feels like its impossible to go for a gal because wearing braces and glasses isn't the most attractive thing in the world. How do people overcome these mental...
  2. F

    Anything I did wrong?

    We're both in high school and are 16... What should i do now? Because I dont want to be "just friends" lol Have i blown my chances? If i ask her again and get a no... im kinda scuppered cause there are no other girls of interest within high school atm. Its hard to flirt or iniate kino...
  3. F

    Anything I did wrong?

    Ok, theres this girl that laughs to my unfunny jokes, smiles whenever we see and shows some good interest level. Im definately not in the friend zone (i dont think so neway since im not an emotional tampon or go out with her as friends) I got her mate to ask about me to her, she sed some...
  4. F

    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    I see what you mean lol I don't want to make anything obvious or try to go somewhere with no initial interest, im pretty much in 'the friendzone' atm, I know its hard to get out of there but i got other girls in mind too. Besides she's a friend i want to keep lol. So nothing romantic...
  5. F

    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    Well im a very very frustrated chump atm lol. Thanks for the advice though! The only problem I can see though is that if i do put my arm around her i will get IOD and she wouldn't quite like it. Maybe some friendly kino? Shes probably the hottest im gonna get for my standards atm lol
  6. F

    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    Sorry to bump, but 22 views and no advice?! Please im in need of some advice/ideas. Thanks in advance. Sorry again for bumping, desperate times call for desperate measures.
  7. F

    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    Shopping with girl, need help! I was planning to go shopping for some clothes, i ask a Girl who im friends with who she goes clothes shopping with. Later on she offers to come with to give me a second opinion on what to buy. I accept and asked her if Tuesday is ok, she said yer. Problem...