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  1. L

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    how does fighting, violence, make a guy a boy instead of a man? aren't men supposed to be strong, brave, tough? why do you think men have always been the first to go off to war? This is something else i despise too: "Women, girls are attracted to guys, men who have passion and fire for...
  2. L

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    a guy can keep constantly approaching a girls and still keep getting rejected you know, and unfortuneately it's always a guy's fault, never a girl's fault, almost never, a girl can keep getting hit on, approached, receiving advances all the time, yes 90 percent or more of those guys will be...
  3. L

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    yes, unfortuneately anything worth having never comes easy, but overall, i hate, despise, loathe the standards that women have in men, i hate the traits, attributes they expect in guys that make a guy "boyfriend material" in her eyes. and thats another thing I hate, guys have to live life for...
  4. L

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    1. One of them is to take responsibility for our actions and lives. Make the decision that you are the sole cause and creator for everything that happens in your life. You're sick and tired of being a virgin? Take it upon yourself to change that. Whatever amount of girls you're approaching...
  5. L

    26yo virgin who shouldn't be and can't stop thinking about it

    it seems like almost all guys, developing or getting "game", knowing how to approach and talk to women is second nature for them, common sense
  6. L

    "It gets better as you get older"

    what i don't understand is that someone disagree that it gets harder for them as they get older, that the time they have it easy is in their teens and 20's, but yet they still act like age is not going to affect their chances of attracting, getting advances from men
  7. L

    Women aren't visual like men

    How is it accurate that women are not as strongly attracted to looks like men are?
  8. L

    The power of good looks in the game

    i believe they are more important than it seems