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  1. D

    Yay, I finally got 2 chicks numbers

    YES if you wait 3-4 days you will be THE MEN OF MEN!!!!!!!!!
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    Closing in a Sauna

    Your off your head!!! I'm not gonna not talk to a girl just coz there's other people around!! Grow a pair man! Come on guys any ideas?? I know you can pull through!
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    Closing in a Sauna

    Now guys its a while since I've posted on here and everything is going well. Best advice I can give any of you is to read Pook and get the hell out and LIVE!! So, life's going great and lately it got even better. I joined a gym that has a swimming pool and a sauna!! Now the sauna is an...
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    Club game advice

    Hahaha what do you mean dip her?!! Thanks for the advice mate. I'm gonna try it all this weekend. Just one question, how the hell am I supposed to talk to her when the music is so loud? And even if I can, I can't have a proper conversation so what can I say? Ye I guess, the thing is even I was...
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    Club game advice

    Hey guys, first things first, my club game is pants! I went out to the club last night for the first time in ages and I had no trouble dancing with girls. I must have danced with 10-20 different girls throughout the night. However, I didn't pull any of them. I'd be dancing and grinding with...
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    Really Confused

    Ye I see that. It's not worth analyzing this any more. I guess I was thinking you guys could shed some light on it but obviously I know the situation better than anyone so it's unlikely. I was just a bit shocked by the rejection after such obvious interest. jophil, everything you said is...
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    Really Confused

    Who said I never made my interest known? I told you I kino with her. I didn't mentioned this but I will now, a couple of months ago, I kissed her. Also, I told you I've recently broke up with my gf which should tell you why I hadn't asked her out yet. Then I also tell you that not long ago she...
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    Really Confused

    I understand what you're saying but I'm definitely NOT in the friendzone. I'm not her friend. Just because you've known a girl for a long time DOESN'T automatically put you in the friend zone. Constantly giving her attention, supplicating, not being sexual DOES. Also, you say she isn't...
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    Really Confused

    So me and this girl have been at the same sports club for about a year. I like her but I've had a gf until recently. I know she is interested in me... gets really excited when I'm around, laughs at everything I say, almost idolizes me. To be honest she likes me so much it's almost a turnoff...
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    More powerful, whilst gaining little weight

    Hey guys, I hope you can help me. Right, I'm a national swimmer. I've recently changed training programmes and my coach doesn't seem to know much about the strength and conditioning side of things. What I am trying to do is get more powerful and recruit more fast twitch fibers, but without...
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    Got her to my place. Now what?

    Thanks guys. Now I notice a few of you are saying not to rush anything but I think she is primed. You see, I've just been texting her: Her: I got doctors at 10am so I could be there for 11. Is that ok? Me: Ye. When's it due? (she's not pregnant, just fooling about) Her: September...
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    Got her to my place. Now what?

    Hey, well I've known this girl for a few months. I took her out for coffee and it went real well so I sent her a text the other day: "Headbandz*. My place. Wednesday. What you say?" *it's a fun card game that came up when we went for coffee! I didn't know what to expect (i live about...
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    Losing Friends

    As you can see I'm fairly new here but I'd just like to say thank you to everyone that has helped me out so far. I'm a recovering AFC and having experienced all this stuff first hand has helped me immensely. However, I have recently stumbled upon a consequence of my recovery. Because I'm...
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    Respect Dilemma

    That's what I mean... I denied it instead of telling her why I don't like her - you're annoying as hell etc. And now I do feel like a wuss. I'm just wondering whether to rectify it by telling her tomorrow or just to leave it? Hmm... what would maximus do??
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    Respect Dilemma

    I'm not prepared to play their games, and this is why katie's my EX. It's just that her mate totally burned me in the showers, in front of lots of my mates, and I'm not sure what to do now? Leave it or own her?!! Bear in mind that there is a 99% chance we will have to walk past each other...
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    Respect Dilemma

    Hey guys, here's the story... I recently broke up with my gf and then today, at a swimming competition, some girl who's friends with my ex joins me and my boys in the showers and says to me: "Rooster, why did you tell katie (my ex) that you hated me?" I was stunned and she totally...
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    Female Friend

    Hey guys! Long time reader, first time poster. So, I have this friend, she's a girl, and we are very close. First things first, it is not some one-way afc i kiss her ass relationship. So she once came on to me but I resisted her (it just didn't feel right), now I don't know if that was for...