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  1. P

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    I agree on some of your arguments while others are not so good. The 'neg' is the basic strategy of a lot of materials that are extracted from women. Its a **** test, a tease. Its the ****y/funny. Its design to create sexual tension and not lowering self esteem. You can compliment...
  2. P

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    The show was very entertaining. The link is even more entertaining. I think they are being trained to be boat cruise hosts. I think that Mystery is being portrayed as an Ahole. The canned...
  3. P

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    It has been good fun following the threads of this show all over the net. Always finding the argument about it being good or bad for the community. I think it only threatens canned material, just as in the ending of the Game. Pea-****ing to the max works for Mystery, it won't work for...