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    How big is social proof in college?

    Social proof is big ANYWHERE at ANY stage of your life. Whether your 10 or 80, if you have a lot of friends and your name is known, you will capture the attention of more women.
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    You guys have really blown up this thread since the last time I visited, holy ****. It’s going to take me a while to read through these all. Well, the funny thing about the picture itself is a female friend of mine left a comment on the photo that my girlfriend is a slut. She said she was...
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    She did this about 2 weeks ago. I’ve only talked to her/hung out with her once since then and I haven’t really spoken to her. She keeps calling me, but I never answer or I answer and cut her short…she’s been pretty bad mad at this. See, I want to tell her why she’s wrong and what she did was...
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    Agreed. I have some options, but none as good as her yet. haha maybe I was about to say, although this guy looked older then 19. I dont' think there are too many 19 year olds with receeding hair lines.
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    Well, the thing is, even in the one she pulls away from him, the caption was a "I'm mad, lol j/k" thing...I have nothing against having fun and people are free to do what they want. I just believe there's a time and place for everything...if you are going to be in a relationship, act like it...
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    I respect your opinion, but actually, I don't and wouldn't want her to be locked up so I could control her 24/7. I don't know where you got that from, but I actually encourage her to go out and do things and not be so dependent on me like some girls are with guys. As far as stalking her on...
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    Gay Guy

    I knew a guy like this in college. I helped him with some math once because he was behind and then we started talking regularly in class (it was a very quiet, antisocial class). Anyways, one day he asks me if I could help him out some more. I say ok -thinking it was on campus like normal- and...
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    G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook

    I am 23 years old and have a girlfriend who is 19. I have seen her ever since she was 18. I didn't want anything out of her besides a lay at first, but it happened ot be a good lay and then it turned to two and then three, etc. Without knowing it soon enough I was dating her. She's a very...