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  1. W

    this hottie

    Hurry? Hurry and do what? i know all about not goin into the friends side... i've busting her balls and doin all the techniques i know but she just said... ohh also when she said it, the guy was already down the road so she didn't try to make him jealous or anything that's for sure...
  2. W

    Im a changed man, and it was so simple...

    this post reminds me of a shirt that i saw last week: it said ALCOHOL: helping ugly people get laid since 1821
  3. W

    this hottie

    i work at some kinda festival thing, every thursday to sunday i work at festivals in different cities and there are ppl from different cities also. well there was this hottie, that works there and i started talking to her last show. she works across where i was working, she seemed interested...
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    High school, the horror and the glory

    i think i have the same kinda problem that jiza101 has
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    I need some comebacks

    cmon guys let's get serious, i need some help here
  6. W

    I need some comebacks

    ok i moved to a small town in canada around 2 years ago from turkey. well it was really hard making friends, i don't even think that i still have real friends, cuz i don't. well anyways usually when guys friends get together and i'm with them, i'm usually made fun of, they call me turkey...