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  1. K

    hooked up but now having trouble stepping it up

    sharpen up your conversation skills. focus on patterns and intimacy. look her in the eyes at random times. remember the 5 senses... attack as many as you can.
  2. K

    I prefer to go it alone.

    it really depends on what kind of friends you have, and what fun means to you...
  3. K

    Cowardly friends?

    +1 on that even if it's not it. don't be ignorant.
  4. K

    what do you do in your free time? aka are you always improving??

    +1, btw you should be a psychologist lol
  5. K

    Morals, and how to get away from them?

    any way you're happy. if you can get a HB and **** her while in a relationship, then so be it. but relationships end up ****ing everything up.