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  1. T

    Feel so bad after not number closing

    :D :D I'm not afraid to ask her. In fact, I think she would probably give it to me, but I want to make it a bit more special. No, It's not me being an AFC. I have 4 FB's I can fu*k at any time. I like this one girl and want a relationship with her while I **** these FB's on the site. I may have...
  2. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    i don't know about you, but i don't enjoy looking through 100 pics of a woman at a beach laughing. doesn't really do anything for me. post specific pics. NEW pics starting from today. Be honest.
  3. T

    Feel so bad after not number closing

    I agree but this girl is the first girl in my life I've actually felt something for (I know it sounds stupid but she is someone I can see myself having an LTR with). That's why I put so much thought into it. I KNOW I'm could not see her for a few years if I choose not to go into the shop. I...
  4. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    hello? It's easy to take a pic of a HB. From now on YOU must be in the PIC with your HB. I'm going out tomorrow, so I'll post at least 3 new ones after tomorrow. Beat that I don't want to see ***** sh*t just pics of women, I want to see YOU with the women just like you will see ME...
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    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    Re: I CHALLENGE YOU! fine, here's a pic of the woman I got together with after 10 minutes 3 days ago... a HB9
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    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    on masf, you must go through a reading period before you post. If you do that, you will not be made fun of.
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    Feel so bad after not number closing

    Re: Re: Feel so bad after not number closing No, I DO believe I was the first person on this forum to have a good 5 mins convo about hair dye and other things with a girl in a shop (I didn't even think about closing) and then try to get her # afterwards on a second meeting in the same shop...
  8. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    like I've said before, I've been PUA'ing for the past 3 months... non-stop. That was my first ever approach. BTW, you like editing posts don't you??? If you think your anything special, hit me up with a PM and we'll have a CLUB competition. Put your money where your mouth is... we...
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    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    Whatever, Im pretty good in clubs. I know it. As I said I just scored with a HB9 3 nights ago. This forum is ridiculous though.
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    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    I know exactly what I did wrong in a moment of hestation. I usually work EXCLUSIVELY in clubs. I'm not very good outside clubs but from reading ASF I am learning from my mistakes and have gotten 3 MUMBERS in 4 DAYS, OUTSIDE OF CLUBS! How many have you got? I can go to a club and score with a hot...
  11. T

    would this creep a girl out?

    hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha joke
  12. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    masf isnt "my site" sosuave isn't "my site" I'm simply giving my opinion on which is better. "chocolate is better than ice cream" - oh, I am being childish again:( :( :( :( IMO masf is for the people who REALLY want to improve while this forum is for the newbs.
  13. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    IMO, masf is better than Sosuave. NO it's not childish. Just look at the topics on this page... a complete joke. As I said, read the material I've given... go out and interact with women... write down your experiances. You'll notice that YOU can come up with the things you did wrong and...
  14. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    you've read all that stuff? I doubt it. That takes a good while. A week at least. And you should be taking notes as you read it all. This forum is a joke IMO. "i cussed out HB9. I am so cool" hahahahahahahah, that topic is at the TOP of the page!!! hahahaha!
  15. T

    Feel so bad after not number closing

    by the way, I have this figured out. I don't need any help. I know exactly what I'm gonna do and when I'm gonna do it. I just needed to vent.
  16. T

    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    I post over as masf much more than I post her. I've got 128 posts over there and I find that it's a much better forum than here. If anybody is wanting to learn seduction for real... I point them here... (this will take about 2 weeks to get) FIRST...
  17. T

    Feel so bad after not number closing

    My post from yesterday... OK well basically it happened last week. I went into a shop with the intention of buying dye for my hair. I asked one of the women who work there (she was about a HB6 to be honest). She told me all about it and we talked for about 5 mins. There was a lot of...
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    Results Of David Deangelo

    deangelo didn't invent neg hits. mystery did.
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    All-time boxing P4P lists:

    Jirov is a blown up cruiserweight mate. That was a TEN ROUND FIGHT. Mesi should have been stopped IMO. He WOULD have been stopped if the fight went 10 seconds longer. AGAINST A BLOWN UP CRUISER who subsequently got BEAT by moorer... lol Power??? resiliency????? Oh dear. No further...