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  1. I

    How to ask girl to go out to eat

    its simple bud. "Hey, lets grab dinner/lunch? I know this great place(fill in with details)..." Assuming you have already broken the ice with her, and not just walking up to her. I really hate "if you want". Never use it, I just feel like its a copout, and gives her an out to not directly...
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    Regrets of a Bad Boy(eye opening lesson learned)

    I feel his pain about to turn 30. You always regret the ones that you let go of when you shouldn't.
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    Female Breadwinner

    If she is doing this you have lost control. Set the tone early, and money becomes secondary. First thing I always do is shut them down when money comes up, because I honestly don't give a ****. Put them in a different mind set when dealing with you. You have shown that them having money doesn't...
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    Female Breadwinner

    Ok I can fill you in on this because I am dealing with it right now. I usually date girls who are wealthy. Not like I search them out, but it just so happens that they all seem to be independently wealthy. I am not referring to the girls that are still sucking on the parental tit. One of the...
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    Girl I'm dating is grieving - to comfort her or stay away?

    Its simple. Just go over and hold her. You don't need to run your mouth trying to console her. Be the strong man she can cry on, but not the one that is telling her it will be alright. Staying away is really a stupid idea. It's not about being cold to a girl. If you ignore her you are missing...
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    Dates Every Day

    One suggestion that saves my ass. NOTE CARDS. write down their name and info on it plus a couple details they have told you. Helps refresh the mind when dealing with each one.
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    How often you find Fb after 25

    Simple...all the time. Older they the quicker they push for a relationship, but doesn't change at the on set of meeting them. If you have high enough value and hang around any girl of any age. At some point the talk is going to come up. If she just hooks up with you well you just aren't high...
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    Ex/FwB hanging in the same social circle advice needed

    Careful man, been there. Took a sweet natured girl that I had split from, but would still hook up with, and pushed her by picking up girls in front of her. Randomly one night she snaps, walks up throws a drink on the girl I was making out with. Then proceeds to smash me in the face with it...
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    What is the deal with this girl?

    Answered you own question. Then you chased her over FB, and asked for her number in a weaker position.
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    How do older guys (mid to late 20s) land hot college girls here in the US?

    I score hotter college girls now than I did in college. I am now 28. For me it has come with status and working on myself. I frequent the big clubs in town and most of the college girls in town crowd outside trying to get in. Being known by the bouncers and the promoters makes it like shooting...
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    Need a little advice sort of a newbie trying to game.

    Can someone explain to me why people run these lines on Tinder? I mean personally have been cleaning up on Tinder by just sending a mass copied message of "hey how are you". Then just toy with them after that. I feel those initial corny responses come off as try hard and girls can read that...
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    **** tinder

    Have had very good luck with Tinder. You just have to set it up right, and manage it right. Can usually get at least a few numbers a day without much effort and a date when I have the time.