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  1. L

    Made a mistake

    Was out clubbing with friends One of my friends friends gives me ioi I go for it, we dance, we make out Now she's trying to make contact with me. I don't want to pursue right now, and I don't know how to respond without incurring a flurry of drama with the friends I currently go out with...
  2. L

    So I'm new to this...

    It happened again. I was at the gym and saw a chick who was pretty hot, and I spent a good 4 minutes thinking of what to say while I was exercising and thought of a opener and how to react to what she said and it was like I was thinking up contingencies and **** and then when it came the perfect...
  3. L

    So I'm new to this...

    I'll keep that in mind. I got close to it earlier by just telling myself in my head "just do it just do it" but it was really small talk and didnt go anywhere because like you guys are all saying I didn't have the end result in mind. I was really just talking for the sake of talking. It's a good...
  4. L

    So I'm new to this...

    My issue really is that I give myself excuses not to ask girls out/for their numbers... I don't go clubbing, so my options are limited to classes, public areas, shopping centers, etc. Excuses I can remember is oh I cant ask her out she's in my class for the next several years (I'm in college...
  5. L

    So I'm new to this...

    thanks that actually helps. i'll get on that.
  6. L

    So I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this website and have been reading up. I'm curious to know what are good first steps to take on the road to becoming a PUA.. All advice would be great. Thanks.
  7. L

    The "Once a day challenge" Who's with me!?

    What I want to avoid Playing video games Spending entire weekends with my friends just sitting around and doing nothing in particular (this is what gets to me most) What I can do instead Work harder on studying Go to clubs and parties more often Focus on my Jiujitsu To escape home Go...