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  1. B

    My challenge to you! (1 day to double your success)

    I have spring break until the 10th so I'm totally down.
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Disagreed. While I do think BJJ and muay thai are more effective than boxing, against somebody who knows nothing, boxing can be an excellent choice for self defense. I've seen boxers destroy people in street fights. The punches are almost the same as in Muay thai and there are more evasive...
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    I agree that a Jab can easily knock someone out bare knuckle, but I disagree that it can be as hard hitting as a cross. You can build up a hell of a lot more momentum with a cross considering that you can rotate your hips damn near 180 degrees. Even if you are throwing a jab off of a cross and...
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Liddell looks like he works at a gas station. If I didn't know who he was and I saw him on the street I would definitely think I could kick his ass. He does have some heat behind those punches but the main thing is that he could land them. Doesn't take as much power to knock somebody out bare...
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Jardin and Liddell are primarily strikers but both have grappling experience and have submitted people before. Chuck is a purple belt in BJJ which usually entails 4-5 years of training. Jardin trains at Jackson's Submission Fighting in albuquerque, NM.
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Also nobody steps into the octogon these days without any bjj training. Even those wrestling/muy thai guys you see delivering the blows from the top know bjj guaranteed. They have to because if one of them didn't know any at all it would be a nice big hole in their game to be exploited.
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    The reason I got into BJJ was because I wrestled for 4 years in highschool and my little 160 pound friend who was a purple belt in BJJ would whoop my ass wrestling in his apartment. I'm 235 with 10-12% body fat. Wrestling teaches good ground instincts and takedowns, but because there are so many...
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Some people do, very few though. Depends on where you are.
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    He doesn't need 10 years to become a beast. A year or two of mma training will give a him a considerable advantage over the average person in a bar fight. I do agree though, that if personal protection is your chief concern, a weapon and weapon training are a much quicker and more effective...
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    Why do guys pick on one another?

    The key is to not take it personally, and don't be afraid to dish some trash talking out yourself. Just don't do it in anger. It only sucks when you take it seriously. It's just how a lot of guys joke around with one another. Laugh it off and say something back. I wasn't used to trash talking...
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    What does afc stand for?

    I know what an AFC is but what does the acronym stand for?
  12. B

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    I do have a wrestling background and it does help, but they will teach you takedowns at a good bjj school. In competition you start standing up so they aren't gonna send you into battle unequipped. In practice when you spar, you typically start on the ground, but they will at some point do some...
  13. B

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Life Applications?

    Bjj is extremely street effective. The fact is that if you know how to fight on the ground, and the other guy does not, you have an enormous advantage. Size doesn't really matter if the other guy doesn't know how to grapple. I know guys from my gym that weigh 130 pounds that can take down...