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  1. D

    basic sex ed quest

    I have few basic sex ed questions. I m ready to have sex but afraid of catching a std especially a viral, incurable one. Can you tell what are the real chances of getting one in these scenarios and what precautions to take in each case. sorry if thse are basic but i m inexperienced and...
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    To LOA guys!

    loa = law of attraction jota, it works! dont let the non believers convince you otherwise.
  3. D

    i am the catch, not her

    Need some advice from the pros here We all know it is so important to adopt "I am the catch, not her" attitude when dealing with women. This is essential to come across as confident, not needy and to play hard to get. What are some of the ways that people here use to develop this attitude...
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    After first call is not returned...

    just call again in a couple of days. if she doesnt answer just move on. do u really want to pursue a woman who doesnt have the courtesy to return your calls? i personally don't.
  5. D

    Date question

    if you offered to pick her up and she still said she will meet you there, then let her. if the date goes well, she will let you pick her up next time
  6. D

    haha thought i'd share this

    just move on man. why do you want to talk to a woman like that. today she asked you to say please, next thing you know she will be whipping your azz..