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  1. H

    Update On "Oneitis With Benefits"

    we've both mentioned dating, but we have both come to the general consensus that we won't yet.
  2. H

    Update On "Oneitis With Benefits"

    Ok guys, Recently I converted my oneitis into a "oneitis with benefits". It's been like this for a month roughly. Here's the original post: Having experienced a month of fun with this girl, I have some things to...
  3. H

    From "Oneitis" to "Oneitis With Benefits"

    Yeha, Good idea on waiting it out for a bit. However now the idea of me being with other girls is killing her. She doesn't like this idea at all.. now she knows how i've felt for 2 long years.
  4. H

    From "Oneitis" to "Oneitis With Benefits"

    True, it does all depend on how the girl takes it.. but from hanging out tonight with her, i've come to the conclusion that we are practically dating. On an unofficial basis. The hand holding, kissing, jealousy that she has is blatantly obvious... we'll have to see where it leads. Has...
  5. H

    From "Oneitis" to "Oneitis With Benefits"

    Well an interesting turn of events happened during this last week. It all started with my oneitis and I going on a road trip and ended a few days later on her bed. Basically we went on this awesome road trip.. it rocked! We both ended up having an incredible time together (sightseeing...