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  1. M

    How many of you over 30 is dating chicks 18 to 25?

    I too almost always aim down - too many younger girls who are looking for guys a few years older and established making it easy. And honestly anything lower than 23 doesn't interest me these days. Some of them straight look like kids. Can't imagine 18. Nothing wrong with it, just not my thing.
  2. M

    "I'm not going to sleep with you"

    I froze 'not sleeping with you girl' from the above story out over the last few days. She kept texting me and I'd just make some stupid joke and ignore her, whereas usually I'd keep the conversation going all day out of boredom. She mysteriously appeared near me as I was walking out of the...
  3. M

    Do female teachers who molest students get off easier than males?

    Yeah there's no way I could have kept a lid on that for more than a few days. Much respect.
  4. M

    Am I being anal?

    If she was actually using the other guy to mess with you, that's a really ****ty thing to do and I wouldn't actively pursue her. I had a similar situation where I met a girl online and after emails, texts, coffee, more texts - eventually we arranged a date for the weekend. When I got there she...
  5. M

    "I'm not going to sleep with you"

    Damn - where was this forum last week? I got this line 3 different times when hanging out with a girl from work a few nights ago. The first time was in front of several other co-workers, and it came out of nowhere. I jokingly asked 'why not?' and pretended as if I'd been working really hard...