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  1. L

    summer relationships

    DUDE!!! Im experiencing this same fricken thing. I don't think she's called me 1 time to hang out...i think i've asked her everytime, but she always calls me and tells me she's hanging out with her is this ****???
  2. L

    Gift ideas?

    Ok, my new girlfriend leaves at the end of this week for summerschool on the east coast (she's incredibly intelligent). So yeah, I want to get her something sweet so she'll remember me when she's gone (she'll be gone for like a month). So far, her friends said maybe a hoodie, necklace, blanket...
  3. L

    should i go after her?

    Ok, so there is this girl that i've liked for quite a while. She finally started hanging out with me recently, but usually everytime we hang out my best friend is with. My friend is a pretty funny guy and really outgoing. This girl and my friend tend to flirt quite a bit too. I keep hearing...
  4. L

    OOPS.....What did I do?

    Well, that's true. I'll just let it be. If she wants to be a b1tch, then fine. I don't need to deal with that sh*t anyway!
  5. L

    OOPS.....What did I do?

    Well there is this girl that I've gotten to know pretty well. She works at the same place I do and lives about twenty minutes away from me. Lately she has been acting a little b1tchy. So New Year's Eve I had this "great idea" of having my friend call her up and tell her how big of a b1tch she...
  6. L

    Popin the question soon

    Dude, don't ask her out; that's middle school crap. Like said before, show her you want more in the relationship with actions. If she likes you enough, you won't have to ask her out, she'll just consider you two a couple.
  7. L

    When the girls begin to lose interest.

    just go balls deep man! Who cares if you get rejected. There are plenty of fish in the see. Don't look back, just go for it.
  8. L

    friendly competition?

    HAHA! I know. But, if she finds out, then we're both ****ed. But, like I said, I don't really care at this point. I've been pursuing her for way too long, and if she likes me, she likes me, if she doesn't, I'll move on.
  9. L

    friendly competition?

    So, I have liked this girl for a few months now, but we still haven't hooked up. There is this other guy that likes her also. Mind you, this chick flirts with everyone, so this guy thinks he's got a chance. I have known the chick longer than this guy (I have her #, email, etc. So, today I...
  10. L

    Is she into me?

    I do work with her, but as I said, I only work with her like once or twice a week. And I work in a grocery store and we are in different departments, so it's not like i have direct contact with her the whole time im working. Also, I don't call her that often (like once or twice every couple...
  11. L

    Is she into me?

    Everything you say is quite true. But, I am pretty busy, I just find time sometimes to show some interest in the chick. If i just ignore her, she's gonna think that I don't like her and she will probably start ignoring me. But, if you say make her come to me, give me some pointers. Dude, I...
  12. L

    Is she into me?

    There is this chick that I work with that I like alot . She lives about twenty minutes away from me, so I usually only get to see her at work about once or twice a week. I call her on occasion and email her quite a bit. Sometimes at work if she was outside, she comes up behind me and puts her...
  13. L

    I Don't Understand Myself!!

    I really like this girl and I think she likes me also except for one thing. I try to be confident whenever I talk to her, but I am naturally shy and it always shows. I always get really nervous and my heart starts pumping. Also, whenever I talk to her, my face gets blushed and I just feel...
  14. L

    Mixed Messages

    I have really been interested in this girl for a while. Last week, we had our first real "in depth" conversation on MSN Messenger. Everything was going good. She was asking me about what I look for in a girl and other such questions. When I talk to a girl I like in person, I am usually shy...
  15. L

    Is she interested?

    thanks for the advice guys. She is a busy girl and probably doesn't have time to be constantly emailing me. I am probably just thinking about it too much.
  16. L

    Is she interested?

    There is this girl that I work with and I only see her once or twice a week at work because she lives 15 minutes away in a different town. Last weekend at work, she asked me for my email address. She added me to MSN messenger but she doesn't seem as interested as I originally thought. I am...