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  1. L

    Classroom Glances

    dude, do u really think women hav this calculation system in their head telling them abt wat every single finger movement of urs means?? first of all, don't underestimate the gurus, bcoz if it wudn't wrk then they wudnt be gurus and second of all, its ur decision if u wana study it or...
  2. L

    Jesus Christ!!! Someone help me.

    dude, if u have soo much trouble in approaching, then u shud study david deangelo's body language teachings, where youre body language will basically make her come and approach u and want u. by the way, just to let u know, I AM IN THE EXACT POSITION AS YOU, when it comes to picking up chiks i...
  3. L

    Classroom Glances

    dude, silent seduction isnt really that easy unless u've actually studied david deangelo's body language teachings. for now i'd say dont try to re-invent the wheel, eithr study it or just work with straight-forward game
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    yeah, just dont sign in on msn and if she calls n asks y then just say its coz u dun like chatin on msn
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    dude, 1 gud idea wud be just dont talk 2 her on msn just like drummer said, but tell her u find chatting too anoying n prefer to talk 1 on 1 either on the phone or in person bcoz thats where u can express ur "true emotions" or watever u wana replace the quotes wid
  6. L

    places 2 sarge at

    hey guys, i wanted to no what could be some good places 2 sarge at except for the typical mall place? coz like im 16 and just like u guys i cant go 2 bars and clubs either, any nice locations? i live near chicago by the way, do any of u guys no any kool places 2 sarge around here??
  7. L

    Need help landing a girl....any girl

    dude, if u come with that kinda attitude that u NEED to get a gf this summer then ur gonna end up acting needy which will then lead 2 u totally screwin up. so relax dude, dont take it sooo seriously. email me at if u want an ebook or sumthin on this pik-up stuff for...
  8. L

    teenage wings around chicago

    hey every1, im 16 n i live around chicago (gurnee 2 b specific) and im lookin 4 a wing/wings, plz reply asap coz its summer n we HAVE GOT 2 sarge!!!
  9. L

    Do you tell your parents if you go on a date with a girl?

    dude, i'd say it all depends on what kind of relationship u hold with ur parents. if its a very close relationship, then yes, its okay to tell BUT if u dont have a very understanding and close relationship, then dont even mention it bcoz im sure u dont wana mess things up
  10. L

    Anyone from TEHRAN here?

    hey guys! i think im like 1/8 irani (my grandma is 1/2 persian and she descends from a family of some imam) and man-o-man persian chix r the hottest chix on earth!!! any persian PUAs in chicago in da US here?
  11. L

    Any indians

    me too hey guys, im 1/2 indian n 1/2 paki, im 16 and i live near chicago (gurnee to b specific), any teenage guys from arnd chicago here? by the way, i look pretty indian as well, but somtimes people think im mexican. but just wait n see, in the next month or 2 all the HBs will b droolin over...