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  1. M

    Most confusing way to call it quits?

    I agree, but things were going so well, I don't know why the sudden drop in interest. Any ideas why?
  2. M

    Most confusing way to call it quits?

    Hey guys, was hoping to get some input on this situation; I met this girl on vacation and it so happened we lived in the same city, we got along great and even had sex on the last night of the trip. We kept in touch after we got back and 'dated' each other for about a month before she called...
  3. M

    Dealing with Break-ups

    Yes I know I can give her what she wants/needs. I know i can make her happy if she would just let me.
  4. M

    Dealing with Break-ups

    But I know shes a good person and I honestly love her. I just wish there was a way she would want to fix things.
  5. M

    Dealing with Break-ups

    Ok here is the details: After somewhat neglecting her due to concentrating on business and other things she began working with one of her friends (guy) thats known her for like 10 years. Anyways it turns out she developed a little crush on him and she told me she kissed him once while we were...
  6. M

    Dealing with Break-ups

    Im sure many of you had several break-ups in your lives and just wondering how you guys dealt with it. My girlfriend of 3 years and I just broke up and Im devestated, I cant go 30 seconds without thinking of her...she was my first real true love and now im totally lost without her. Any...