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  1. S

    Having balls.... or just plain stupidity?

    You want to know the real issue most of you are missing? Alcohol is some vile, evil sh!t that has done more damage, in so many ways, than all the other drugs combined. By far. Society will pedal and push that crap on you and you won't blink an eye. Heaven forbid you enjoy a little smoke and mind...
  2. S


    I hope she isn't (she's probably not) but let the fear you're feeling right now stay with you until marriage. Etch it in your mind and don't forget it. Not that I'm saying don't have sex until marriage, but there is only one thing that covers you with 100% certainty. The rest of the time use...
  3. S

    girl confusing me

    Possible? I suppose. It's also possible an extinction sized astroid strike will occur before you read this.
  4. S

    girl confusing me

    Denial. There are no mixed signals. Her signals are LOUD and CLEAR.
  5. S

    hairloss and pick ups

    I have had a number of women say they prefer a shaved head. I've also had even more show unmistakable interest and not mention if it were a preference or not. It's like anything else. Some will prefer it, some don't care one way or another and some won't like it. Do what YOU like and the rest...
  6. S

    hairloss and pick ups

    So, if you're balding and women don't find you attractive then they're superficial? I don't think so. They don't find you attractive, so be it. Yes, chasing a car or cash is superficial but not finding you physically attractive for whatever reason doesn't equate to superficiality. Are all of you...
  7. S

    Long distance or end it

    Thats a tough situation. I've been there. Had a great relationship for 1.5 years in college, talking marriage and all the other happy sh!t that goes along with it. She graduates and moves back home while I still have two semesters left. It was a slow, painful death. You could try if you think...