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  1. R

    how would i go about politely asking a girl's age?

    there's this pretty nifty chick who works down at the supermarket, and i was thinking about getting her number. problem is, i'm not entirely sure how old she is, and i'd rather not put myself in a statutory rape situation, especially since i'm leaving for BCT in October. here in AZ, the Age...
  2. R

    hey there, hope you guys can help me out

    also, how should i go about asking if there's anything i might have to worry about, such as STD's or something like that? i'd be asking anyway, i just don't want to come off as assuming they're a slut or anything like that.
  3. R

    hey there, hope you guys can help me out

    that's what i was thinking. i'd still have to work relatively quickly, but if i'm there for two weeks i should have enough time to make a somewhat proper pursuit, even if i have to have the date 3 nights in a row. and how long should i wait after i get there? i'm staying with a buddy of mine...
  4. R

    hey there, hope you guys can help me out

    damn; i thought being a foreigner was at least worth half a foot in the door. i don't really know any canadians, =\ i can pull off the accent fairly well, but as far as mannerisms go, i'm kinda lost. anything else i should know? as fas as what to say/what not to say?
  5. R

    hey there, hope you guys can help me out

    First off, this is a great site. wish i knew about it a while ago. Then again, i just recently had a pretty hard break-up, and now i think i'm in a better state of mind to absorb it all. Getting to the point; I'm planning on going to Australia for a week or two in september. now, it's not...