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  1. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    I am really a woman. I am short and I don't wear 4" heels because they are impractical and I look just as good in flats or low heels. I date short men and tall men. I date heavy ones and thin ones. If I received an email from a guy I would still wait for him to ask me out. I wait for the guy...
  2. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    You don't know me well enough to hurt me.
  3. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    You sound like a very angry man to me.
  4. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    WHOA! No need to go into some deep-psychological analysis of my life there. I do what I think works for me. I am not playing mind games - it amazes me that you jump to that conclusion becuase I have a rule. Like I said, I made the first move, I contacted him. The ball as they say is in his...
  5. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    [Obviously your rule isn't working, so if it's not working then there's not much point in carrying on with it, is there? If you're interested, quit playing games. Ask him out] Sorry- my rule has worked with most men, so I won't change it for this one.
  6. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    Yep, I am one of those girls who likes when the guy makes the first move. But technically I made the first move by contacting him. So, now it's his turn to either let it go, or make something happen.
  7. N

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    Ok, so I contacted someone I had a short romance with. There info was on Classmates. We have been emailing and IMing for over a week. My rule is I don't ask the guy out.......anything I can say or do to get him to ask me out?