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  1. P

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    well done skd and gab01 you are pros! im doin ok got 15 EC and smile but still only 2 hi's do you guys wait for them to smile back at you before you say hi or just to make EC or just say it regardless?
  2. P

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    ethnomethodologist, thanks for giving us a kick up the butt. all you guys seem to be doing really well and on target so well done. my progress has been slow, i have no problem with looking in peoples eyes but do have a problem smiling at them and saying hi, maby its just london i duno...
  3. P

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    i went into town today and EC and smile and one hello, which means im gona hav 2 step it up a bit to get the 50, i was lisening to stand up comedy on my Ipod which helps the smiles to come more easily but most pple dont even look at you. uv got to take that attitude, im gona...
  4. P

    NHY's Boot Camp, Starting 3rd Feburary 2006: Anyone want in?

    Count me in, i kinda started on my own last week but will restart with u guys