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  1. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    LOL, had to do that, sorry. I guess thats a better way to look at it. I'm a senior as well.
  2. T

    Ask out before dance, or vice versa?

    Thanks for all the responses. ehhh. I've heard of lots of stories where after someone asks someone to a dance, they grudgingly go. like for this girl, someone took her to prom last year, and her friend told me, "yeahh but she didn't really wanna go with him." i also know a friend who...
  3. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    It's nice to know that there are some kids in the same situation, and that people agree about this whole clique thing. I don't understand. Why don't they want new kids joining their little clique? I wouldn't mind if I were in one - but I'm not in one, so I wouldn't know. I have made some...
  4. T

    Ask out before dance, or vice versa?

    wait, ethno, I don't see where you're coming from. I'm not asking how to ask someone to a dance, and I'm not saying that I'm scared to. I'm just asking which way is the better choice - to ask her to the dance then out, or out then to the dance. Iamme: Did you read my post? I don't want the...
  5. T

    Ask out before dance, or vice versa?

    There's a dance coming up in the upcoming weeks, and I want to ask this girl to it. I'm friends with her, but we haven't really hung out. I was thinking that it would be better to ask her out to determine her interest level before asking her to the dance. This way, I will know whether a girl...
  6. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    so what do you do on weekends?
  7. T

    Calling for a date

    Yes, I've read the DJ bible. But I remember reading something a while ago that said something like, "Don't call to set up a date for that night" or something. Can someone confirm? For example, is it not a good idea to call at like noon today about hanging out tonight? etc. No, this...
  8. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    Right. Thanks for the help. I should probably just be more extroverted - I'm the one looking for the "hang out," everyone else is just as fine without me.
  9. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    lol, right. i know exactly what you mean. it would suck if everyone i ask is like, "uhhh.." whatever. there isn't really a solution until i go off to college, is there :(
  10. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    I guess you're right, I'll try that. I just worry because I know exactly how it feels when someone you don't want coming asks you, "Can I tag along?" I say to myself, No, I don't want you to, but I don't want to be mean, so I'm like "sure." I know how terrible it feels and I don't want to...
  11. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    Right. So this means I have to do all the asking, right? It's so annoying, because no one would call me to hang out. And if someone does, it's one of the losers that I don't really like. Hate to sound condescneding, but it's true. I don't want to hang out with them nor do I want to be seen with...
  12. T

    Not really about girls - social issue

    I understand that this is a forum about "attracting ladies," etc, but I've seen some posts on social issues so I hope you guys don't mind helping me with my problem. ------- I'm not here crying about how I don't have any friends or how unattractive I think I am. What I have is a fairly...