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  1. J

    Going impotent? GUYS HELP!

    3 Days ago, me and some good friends of mine went drinking, like we normally would do in the weekends. Well we got very insanely drunk, never been so drunk before, it felt like skunk. The day after none of us remember anything, AT ALL. All we find is a dirty house also kinda thrashed. But...
  2. J

    Gaining crazy weight, WTF?

    I followed your supereating guide back in time. dood I getz teh weight!
  3. J

    Gaining crazy weight, WTF?

    Hey guys. I'm rather skinny, but in the last few months i've been eating a lot. Now here's the crazy part. For the last 5 days I have gained 2.0-2.5 Lb EACH day. My current weight is now 156.5 LB. I hope to go on like this, but I have absoloutly no idea of what is causing this. My diet...
  4. J

    Crazy weight gains - Come by.

    Because its a hell to cook it everytime you gotta have meal. I tasted it, its not bad, and if it doesn't harms my health in any way, i cant see why i shouldnt.
  5. J

    Crazy weight gains - Come by.

    Hey guys. I have decided to put on some weight, because I got summer holidays and nothing better to do, and improvements are always good. I'm currently 6'1, at the age of 15, but my weight is like 140, that's pretty low, I know, this is why I decided to do something about it. It doesn't looks...
  6. J

    Chick I'm taking to formal, now going out with another guy

    Waiting till the end of the year is seriously desperate, try to hook up with another girl, there's tons of them
  7. J

    Chick I'm taking to formal, now going out with another guy

    Don't act desperate, it's her loss, not much you can do. Do not try to convince her about you.
  8. J

    Wtf 2 Do

    Travling to a big city... yeah... But wtf should I do, even if I get a girl, she would be living too far away, it wouldnt work out.
  9. J

    Wtf 2 Do

    I have been doing some nice physical improvements, damn I look good. But I never get out, im living in a small town, with no activites at all. I never get outside my room, my dear computer is my only friend, seriously. I have nowhere to go, its sad. life,life. Im 15, so i still got to...
  10. J

    Killer bulking - I'm ready.

    Thanks a lot for the help man. I started a bit early, I ate 6 bowls of cereal, I couldn't breath for a good 30min. Heh, dude this is gonna be fun. I have drunk 6+ Liters of water today, along with 1-2 Liters of milk. My parents are getting pissed, because I eat all the stuff i can get, hah...
  11. J

    Killer bulking - I'm ready.

    Around 2 months. Hey, Double, the eating-throw-up sounds pretty neat, can you give me some hints on how to keep eating even though you aren't hungry anymore? :D Edit: What kinda stuff would you eat? Just everything that gets in your way? Tell me, how much did you eat at one of your...
  12. J

    Killer bulking - I'm ready.

    Hi guys. Well im 6'1 and 145lb, that is pretty damn skinny. So I have decided to do something about it, but not some ordinary bulking. I got summer holidays for weeks, so it's time to bulk up! I don't care at ALL about my health, I'm ready to work out so much that I can't even make it...
  13. J

    Acting emo get girls?

    Does acting EMO get girls? Oh I don't feel like explaining what EMO is, everybody should know. My question is, does EMO's have better chances to get girls than a DJ? And do EMO's got better odds with the girls than normal guys? You know, everbody love emo's