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  1. D

    This fourm looks awesome.

    No one really takes the time to thank the people who keep this fourm running and organized. I just want to thank whoever redid the fourm; it looks great, and the moderators. Thank you, keep up the good work. :up:
  2. D

    Dancing Tutorials?

    Oh yeah, it's in spanish. You can see the vids still and they are in english.
  3. D

    Dancing Tutorials?

    I found this website, it has some good vids.
  4. D

    Eye Contact

    The best thing to do is talking to her and flirting with her. There's nothing wrong with a little flirting.
  5. D

    teenager vs mature thoughts

    I agree with this topic; when I tell people that I read just to learn, they give me the look that I may seem boring and may not know anything, but in reality I know a lot from reading and self-improving. Most people don't know what to do after high school like I do and probably most of you...
  6. D

    What are some variations of the kiss test?

    That's good, thanks. Does anyone know anymore variations?
  7. D

    What are some variations of the kiss test?

    Alright, so your on a date and ready to do the kiss test, but you realize your date does not have her hair down. Does anbody know any variations of the kiss test?
  8. D

    Is this one of those girl test?

    She's gone. No more of her.
  9. D

    Is this one of those girl test?

    Thanks Guys, I guess I'll just forget about her and move on.
  10. D

    Is this one of those girl test?

    There's this girl i know, Jannet. She is a hb 7. Well she has a b/f and has been going out w/ him for like a year know, but she likes me too. She says she loves me (not the friend kind of love either), but a day or so later she says somthing like, "Don't leave the person you love for the...