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  1. K

    so this girl......

    exactly. I talked to him today, and i got the feel from him like he wants it to be a race, and wouldn't hate me for it. So it's a race indeed. To the event tomorrow, im not gonna go, there are gonna be other friends there and such.. so i guess i ll just ask her out for a movie alone... while he...
  2. K

    so this girl......

    well it's his fault.... he knew i liked her kinda.
  3. K

    so this girl......

    so this girl i talked about earlier. I commented her pic and all... and said she was cute. Well, my friend brought her to my bday party yesterday, we talked, it was great. I liked her, i think she was somewhat into me at least. Got her number.. Sooo my other friend at the bday party fell for her...
  4. K

    photo of this girl

    lol ok thanks
  5. K

    photo of this girl

    okay, so on fcbk, my friend (lets call her K) has a photo with this one girl (call her D). So on fcbk, i leave a photo comment asking who the girl is. Now my friend H also leaves a comment saying "you interested in her?"... now what do i say? I mean, this girl D is probably gonna see our...
  6. K

    how do i get this girl?

    okay, so i am still new to this. There's the girl in my spanish class and she's my partner. She's pretty hot. So she talked to me first saying her: are you so and so's friend? me: ya you are? her: oh she talks about you all the time. me: oh yeh she's my lab partner (my labpartner has a bf...
  7. K

    help on appearance

    here's an update shaved stach, grew back a lil no worries... didnt no much with hair.
  8. K

    help on appearance

    thanks guys. I can't really get contacts (according to doctor, my eyes are too sensative).. but i did shave.. i ll try to get the sides cut or something.
  9. K

    help on appearance

    hey guys, i m new on this thread. Can you help on my appearance. here's how i look currently: Here's how i looked with shorter hair Do you guys...