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  1. C

    The best video ever

    come on guys this video is obviously has the best replay value (i probably watched it 3 times today already... and again now after this post)
  2. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Alright, so today is Wednesday and I got 1 conversation in today with a girl holding a camera. I asked what it was for, she said she was doing a project in which she had to interview a bunch of people. I am finding it hard to talk to girls when they have nothing of spectacular to comment on...
  3. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Whew 420! I got to talk to ONE, count'em, ONE girl today. I expected to talk to more, but when I was talking to the first one, a group of my friends came up and knew her apparently, so I ended up getting stuck there, and I didn't get a chance to work on my convo approach skills anymore. I tried...
  4. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 2 Day 1 Monday Week 2's Task: Make conversation with at least 10 people. Alright, so I didn't really put my DJ skills to the test today. I had no time to work on my conversation skills, which I am saddened about. Anyway, during one of my classes, we had an outing outside and I had a...
  5. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 6 Saturday Today was another success. I worked my game on a group of 3 girls so mild success. I wasn't too interested in them or anything, but it was fun to see where I was at. I got about 8-10 hi's at a party. I found someone who I can perhaps work with as a wingman so that we can...
  6. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 5 Friday Well, friday was a success for me. I got ~12 hi's or so. I was pretty drunk at the time, so this is my safe estimate. I was working the party introducing myself to a bunch of women. But it seems like there is never really a super hot chick that I would be interested in at...
  7. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 4 Thursday Task: I got 7 this day. I didn’t really get as much of a chance to try my game out on girls today. I had to hustle and get a lot of schoolwork done. I did get a good amount of hi’s in for the allotted time though. Not too much today to really say about what happened. I’ve...
  8. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday Task: Greeted 11 girls. I got more hi’s in than yesterday, but it didn’t feel as good. There weren’t as many return hi’s or smiles, which I’m not as happy about, but perhaps it was just the people. I figured out that if you walk more in front of the people, they have no...
  9. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday Task: Greet 50 people this week Completed: 8 Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really...
  10. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday Task: Greet 50 people this week Completed: 8 Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really...
  11. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday Task: Greet 50 people this week Completed: 8 Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really...
  12. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    Week 1: Task: say hi to 50 people Day 1: Alright, so this is a lot harder than it sounds. People here in the mid-west seem to outright terrified of eye contact. I said hi to ~5 people today. But, one of those hi's was me meeting an HB6 through some friends I knew. I should have said hi to...
  13. C

    Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal

    First of all, I'd like to say hi to the DJ community and I'm sure that my time will be worthwhile here and I'm happy to join the boat. Alright, so I have been lurking these forums for few months so far, but then I saw that bootcamp was starting. I had already planned to do the program during...
  14. C

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    I have been lurking here for a while, but I registered for this. This is something I have been wanting to do and I am dedicated to completing this. I'm in.