Search results

  1. F

    Number of Sexual Partners

    So you mean if a girl had been with 100 guys you can accpet her? Me I can't. It has absolutely nothing to do with insecurity, all about STANDARDS dude.
  2. F

    Number of Sexual Partners

    what about if she has 100?
  3. F

    Number of Sexual Partners

    So your policy is "Don't ask, don't tell"? What if the person you're interested in have 15 partners?
  4. F

    Number of Sexual Partners

    How many is too many and unacceptable to you in a woman?
  5. F

    I have a question to all women here

    If you have a boyfriend who is a good-looking guy (he's a 9) and you found out the women he dated before you were unattractive (about 5-6) and that he finds unattractive women by society's standards to be attractive for the SIMPLE reason he has strange taste in beauty, these women weren't...
  6. F

    Some questions on Travelling in Los Angeles, CA areas?

    Yeah, I wanted to become a firefighter since I was a kid. haha. It must be a challenging job. Thanx bro. :) All these infos and links are very helpful. That's all I needed to know. Hey dude, thnx so much for your time answering my inquiries. I didn't know anything about LA. lol. You...
  7. F

    Some questions on Travelling in Los Angeles, CA areas?

    Hi. Would it take you more than an hour travelling in some street or highways by car? What about if you take a bus or train? LA is a huge city but how come the driving duration from Nevin to Mount Washington (two areas at the extreme of LA) is only 13 min. according to this site...
  8. F

    Some questions on Travelling in Los Angeles, CA areas?

    Oh thanks for the links. I was too lazy to navigate the site, I just wanted to ask people who are actually residing in LA instead. I want to become a firefighter/paramedic in the future and I'm thinking of going to LA Fire Department. I want to know how many fire stations LA has and where they...
  9. F

    What do you consider LDR?

    Locations : San diego and LA. would it be a long distance relationship for you?
  10. F

    Some questions on Travelling in Los Angeles, CA areas?

    Thanks for your replies. I went to I found this map of LA. I asked for the driving direction from Nevin to Mount Washington for example. The total estimated driving time is 13 min...
  11. F

    Some questions on Travelling in Los Angeles, CA areas?

    Anyone here well travelled in LA? What is the size of LA? Is LA big city that it will take you long hours to travel from area to area by car? How about if you take a bus or train?
  12. F

    How attractive are these women?

    LMAO! she's cute though. hahaha
  13. F

    Rate this girl

    Re: Re: Rate this girl Naaah I'm just curious about cultural beauty. We know that beauty is cultural and very subjective. I'm doing a poll because i want to see how different races of people perceive different types of beauty. that's all. :D
  14. F

    Rate this girl

    Huh? what do you mean?
  15. F

    How hot is Jessica Simpson?

    Got it, Mod....:cool:
  16. F

    How hot is Jessica Simpson?

    I'm interested about cultural beauty, and how people view different types of beauty. Is there anything wrong with these kinds of thread here?
  17. F

    How hot is Jessica Simpson?

    So I guess most people here don't find Jessica Simpson hot too? You people here have very high
  18. F

    How attractive are these women?

    so you don't find this girl attractive?
  19. F

    Rate this girl

    if you think she was pale then you probably think most white women are pale? which celebrities (face and body) do you find attractive?