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  1. V

    To those of you who wear rings...

    I've never worn a ring in my life, but found a nice one, and I want to wear it. For someone who's not married yet, what finger do guys typically wear rings on? Thanks in advance.
  2. V

    Far, far, far, but ultimate goal for me: MMA

    Wow, thanks for all of your help. Thinking more about it, I'd probably be happy with just Muay Thai to start. I'll start looking for some schools and asking around. And no, I won't join one of those "fake schools" you see in the newspaper that offer family kickboxing classes ;).
  3. V

    Far, far, far, but ultimate goal for me: MMA

    I'm new here and come mostly for "Health and Fitness" and "Anything Else." So, :wave:. I know a lot of you are involved in some type of martial art so I wanted to know something. I am looking to get a punching bag, but have no idea whether I should get a free-standing punching bag or a...
  4. V

    How to start a social circle from scratch?

    NewDestiny, I PMed you.