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  1. C

    How do you game married girls?

    A lot of times when I have used direct game girls have responded "I'm sorry, I'm married". Some of them may have lied, but there were some women that showed me her ring. How do you handle this situation? Let's say you have her number, you have to be very discreet when contacting her. I...
  2. C

    Direct approach and a common problem

    Good responses from a lot of you there. Your help is very appreciated :rock: Got it, I'll use the word "cute" instead of beautiful. But, how do you open direct? Could you give me some examples? So how do you get to know her? What do you say that doesn't sound too formal? I know, I need to...
  3. C

    Direct approach and a common problem

    Rushing dude 123, EXCELLENT advice, you have no idea how this will help my game, very appreciated :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: Zarky, I'm TOTALLY agree with you. That's the point. Almost nobody do direct game, it's a way to difference yourself from the rest.
  4. C

    Direct approach and a common problem

    First of all, thanks for the quick reply Bam bam :) Actually there was a previous eye contact. She knew I was going to talk to her, I made it pretty obvious with an smile, BL. I didn't mentioned because if things would have gone wrong since the beginning, it would have been a complete C&B. I...
  5. C

    Direct approach and a common problem

    I was walking in a mall and suddenly I spot this HB. She was sitted alone. I go directly to her: C: Hi, I’m not gonna forgive myself If I don’t do this, I think you are very beautiful, and I would like to meet you. HB: I’m waiting for someone C: Don’t worry, we can wait together, just say to...
  6. C

    When your ltr/fb wants to check your cell phone

    Has it ever happened to you that your ltr/fb who wants a relationship has searched for “sth suspicious” in your cell phone after you had sex?? (Let’s say sms to/from other girls). For example, let’s say you just come and go to the bathroom (naked, obviously) and in your pants is your cell phone…...
  7. C

    How do u manage her to pay her own stuff?

    Here is the situation. You are in a day2 or day3 and u want to drink or eat something. You are buying the food or whatever and then what??? You see her standing there without saying a word… U ask her if she is hungry?? If you do that… she could take it like “I’m going to invite you”. Do you...
  8. C

    Doubts about peacocking

    It has happened to me lot of times that I’m using some kind of peacocking… and some people has asked me what does this means??? When I buy peacocking (rings, necklaces, etc) I do it because it’s eyecatching… but do u think peacoking you use should have a meaning as well???
  9. C

    What does it mean when a girl says "I don't have time even for myself"?

    I went to a conference about business. I found inside a classmate who I don’t talk too much with. After the conference she asked me to go to eat with her (it was like 4pm, and she haven’t had lunch). She was kind of stressed and started to “open up”. She mentioned things like “no time / a...
  10. C

    How can u make her think about sex?

    Haha... have u?? Thanks a lot to the rest of you who replied this topic :up:
  11. C

    How can u make her think about sex?

    There are some girls when you see them… at the very first second you’re mind is going something like “I have to **** her”. How can a player cause the same emotion in girls… at the first minutes of interaction… or even without an interaction, just to cause this emotion when she sees you?
  12. C

    How to handle this test?

    Actually she is older than me (25). I don't know if it was a silly thing to do, a test or whatever, but these girl obviously wanted to say something with her attitude. She is in to me?? Maybe that was an IOI after all rather than a test ;) I know what you mean man. Is better to have a...
  13. C

    How to handle this test?

    This happened to me one month ago or so… but I didn’t have the time to post it. I have this classmate who gives me AI once in a while… well I’m not interested in the girl… but the thing is… this girl threw me a test. She wanted to put her jacket on a hook in the wall. But she couldn’t reach the...
  14. C

    How do you avoid the 'clown' frame?

    Sometimes happens when you’re gaming a girl (wheter is alone, or with her friends). You start to tell jokes / funny things, in order to make her / the set relaxed. But then you realice your target / the set starts to see you as the ‘clown’. You’re very amusing, so they want you to tell funny...
  15. C

    How do you recover lost sets?

    Sometimes you game a girl, but can't continue the interaction. So, you get her digits, call her, but the day2 never happens. First she is very enthusiastic about day2, but at the last moment, she cancels. You call her a couple of times more, but her attitude doesn’t change. What I used to...
  16. C

    Doubts about building a strong frame

    It has happened to me several times, that I meet some guy. But as soon as there is some trust build, he starts to ‘ridiculize’ me. He targets all his jokes to me… It has happened to you, that as soon as you build trust with some dude, he starts to make fun of you whenever there is somebody...