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  1. K

    How do I get rid of a chick that's in love with me?

    I've had experience with 2 girls in the past who were borderline suicidal because I told them I wasn't interested in them anymore. Thankfully, nothing serious happened in both cases even though one threatened to stand outside in the freezing cold without clothes while the other threatened to...
  2. K

    What if you're not awesome?

    That last bit wasnt to discourage you, just to convey that it wont be easy so you shouldn't give up at the first sign of frustration. Like they say, "everyone has a little captain in 'em." Find the captain in you and harness your inner awesomeness
  3. K

    What if you're not awesome?

    I used to have similar concerns. What really helped me is that i stopped paying so much attention on what I was feeling and thinking and started to focus my attention on the other perons and the situation at hand. The brain is an amazing thing and you would be surprised what you can do if you...
  4. K


    Hey guys. I have a lot of friends at school. The thing is that when I'm not in school I get kind of anti-social. I don't go on aim as much as I should and I barely if ever go on facebook. I use my phone most of the time when I want to hang out with friends. Most of the time I don't even want to...