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  1. S

    CALI people

    I'm planning on making a trip to the San Jose and San Francisco area. Can someone tell me how long is the train ride from san jose to san fran and how much is the fare? I'm a poor college student so any suggestions on nice decent priced places to stay? If someone is cool enough to want to show...
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    Damn Pen, no fu*king wonder you keep talking about you vagina, you've been testing yourself since 15? just goes to prove that sex can mess you up psycologically if you're not emotionally ready for it. I'm not saying you are crazy but all your posts are one tracked toward sex and that is just not...
  3. S

    Women and social proof; How true it is!!

    CPA and CFA?? Damn, then how can you not be loaded? CFA's average annual salary is in the six figures the last I checked. Are you in finance or are you in accounting? I'm interested because I graduate from college in June and trying to get an idea of what's out there.
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    im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

    You can't imagine yourself eating six times a day because you don't work out properly. If you go to the gym 3x a week and really blast your muscles, you'll find yourself with a bigger appetite. Eating 6x a day doesn't mean eating six full meals, I usually have some eggs for breakfast, a sandwich...
  5. S

    im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

    Wow, 5'10 and 125lbs is really skinny dude. I was 5'10 and 143lbs at the end of this summer and has gain over 15lbs in 6 weeks, so it can be done. I eat on average 5 meals a day, the last meal being a protein shake before bed. If you 're not going to hit the gyms regularly then you mind as well...