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  1. S

    uk bootcamp

    Ok boys what seems to be the problem? I've been waiting for the reports and . . . . .NADA! Come on! Sharkman 'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'
  2. S

    uk bootcamp

    Right boys, WHATS HAPPENENING? seems things have gone quiet here. I personally am having fun starting convos, tough to start with, but easier than week 1's hi's! report to come sharkman 'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'
  3. S

    uk bootcamp

    Pen dude, you can ask anything you like on this thread that comes up through your experiences of bootcamp. The point here is to discuss and analyse our experiences here in the uk, so we can build up a fair picture and guide from experience! Don't worry about the length of the posts, if you...
  4. S

    uk bootcamp

    Right here we are, field report for week one I estimate that between the week and the weekend I've managed about 30 his with all manner of people. I find that if you confidently look at someone like you know them and smile, they will say hi, almost as if they feel obliged! Last night went...
  5. S

    uk bootcamp

    Hey dudes So far then I have been makin strides with the whole eye contact thing. At first I thought I would never make it, but now I just throw away all the crap in my head that's inhibiting me and try and get noticed. Remembering to smile is key of course, at first I was really grim and...
  6. S

    uk bootcamp

    Dude, well done for gettin started! Yeah gettin goin is tough, remember to smile when you want to say hi. If you are dead serious then people will feel a bit intimidated or wierded out! Plus when you want to make eye contact, make a gesture. Like I do, I slowly and smoothly turn my head...
  7. S

    uk bootcamp

    Yup! As far as I am concerned, the bootcamp is in progress! would hope to have first week reports in by the end of the weekend! Sharkman 'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'
  8. S

    uk bootcamp

    I'm pretty sure you can leave the handshake out! The point is not to get lost in the details, just get out there and do what you have to. Stop worrying over things like that and just say hi, how u doin? Sharkman 'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'
  9. S

    uk bootcamp

    Dudes! Glad to see the thread taking off! The more discussion we have the better, cause we all know that alot of the material here is biased towards states-side. Still to be honest cold approaches do work in the uk. Take me and my mate Stu. Stu is a natural dj of the first order. When...
  10. S

    uk bootcamp

    that's cool, sounds like you have a plan in place! And I work for a living as well, I time manage to give myself space at the opportune times! Quality not quantity! Doesnt sound like you need the extra time at all, just work through and when it comes to the convos and number closes you'll...
  11. S

    uk bootcamp

    Right dudes, looks like we have a fair number in the camp now. OCTANE: AS for doubling up, do you really need two weeks to complete the exercises or are you just making excuses for yourself? hmmm Personally I think you have time to catch up, even...
  12. S

    uk bootcamp

    Warming up Well I used the weekend as a warm up session. Gettin caught making eye contact has always been a problem for me, so I went out during the day sat and sun and focussed on making sure I did my best to overcome my initial caution. At the start I was doin the typical side...
  13. S

    uk bootcamp

    Right then boys! We will start this coming Thursday! So gear up, get groomed, get washed and get motivated! Sharkman 'making sure its not safe to get back in the water'
  14. S

    uk bootcamp

    ok so thats 3 of us now! I'm hoping for a minimum of around 5, so another 2 brave souls step forward NOW! Come on, you're doing yourself a favour in the end Join the shiver(collective noun for sharks) Lets go get the ladies The two on board so far: Good work! Good men! Good for...
  15. S

    uk bootcamp

    Thanks for the offer Don, but I really want to start from the beginning! So with Devil we now have two in the uk about to start this process! More takers please! Come on uk dudes, lets get down to business, Sharkman 'making sure its not safe to get back in the water'
  16. S

    uk bootcamp

    Uk dudes, I am well up for doing a uk bootcamp, and I'm looking for some good men to sign up with me! Seeing as the uk is a slightly different environment when it comes to the ladies, it would be valuable to have others' experiences in the uk to compare against...
  17. S

    Interesting and confusing!

    Hey dudes, just curious what any of you make of this: One night me and my bud go into bar: very quiet Very pretty barmaid asks if I'll stay at the bar to 'protect' her from the strange drunk guy at the other end. Talk to her get chattin, find out she is studying marine biology: I have a...
  18. S

    SALSA-hint given-advice needed..

    hey dudes, sorry for the delay, lost track of this thread. Right first off my point in my final sentence was basically saying that if you go in looking and acting like a player you will be very obvious, so soave is the way! As for you guys looking to...
  19. S

    SALSA-hint given-advice needed..

    Hey there, I've been involved in salsa and general latin dance for years, first as a dancer, then a teacher and now d.j. Over that time I have seen what you've seen: more women than men, the overt sexual overtones generated by the dance and the environtment, and the...
  20. S

    How to attract latina and middle eastern women?

    well to be honest, I teach Salsa dancin, took it up a few years ago. I find that the latinas are well impressed by a white man who can dance. Plus I learned spanish, and hey presto, no shortage of material. However I guess this is a long term approach. In short I would say that latinas are...