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  1. F

    Since you guys want to know some V-day gifts.. or Any-day Gifts! ORIGINAL

    Well me and my girl have mono, and she has to go to school on Vday and I dont. So, I was going to go over to her house and decorate her room with pictures of us and baloons and a teddy bear.
  2. F

    Selling Out and Posers

    Vipe, I like you alot...yeah recently we met this guy through my girlfriends mom...and one day before we went out we picked him up and hes been doing EVERYTHING with me and my girlfriend ever sence. Now I just have to find a few more new friends, and everything will be just dandy...and I just...
  3. F

    Selling Out and Posers

    Well, I don't make it look like I am a slave, her mom is a single mom (her husband recently passed away in a car accident) and she has a lot to do, so I will take her little brother to wal mart or to the movies, or I will run and pick up some things at the grocery, things like that. With the...
  4. F

    Selling Out and Posers

    Aiight-- Me and my girlfriend, been going out for a month and about 2 weeks, and before this she was my best friend so it seems like a long time. Well, I spend all the time with her, basically I live at her house. I sleep, eat, play, and I am always with her. Her brother (6) even refers to...
  5. F

    Valentines Day...already worried

    OMG! Great idea just popped into my head, she always wanted those sponge bob thongs the 7 day ones.......thank you have made my day!
  6. F

    Valentines Day...already worried

    Yeah, before school gets me in the mood to write really long sentences involving a teddy bear. But anyways, I was thinking about a teddy bear that would have something attatched to it, I just dont know what.
  7. F

    Valentines Day...already worried

    Well me and my girlfriend had been friends for 4 years before dating, and its the best relationship I have been in so far, its like being best friends, but with benefits, but anyways, we started dating December 14, and that means on Valentines Day it will be 3 months and Valentines Day, and I...
  8. F

    How to stop being self-concious

    or you can always get your girlfriends friend to tell you all the good **** that your girlfriend says about before my girlfriend I was always I guess scared of being naked around girls, and my girlfriend has said alot of good things about me and now I dont care, I just get naked...
  9. F

    How old are you guys

    sophomore. ahh the joys of being 16
  10. F

    Social Anxiety, Turning Red....

    maybe go to a doctor and get some medicine for it. but on a bad day, are you usually depressed about something? or are you just not feeling the whole mood of the day?
  11. F

    Who do u think is obligated to pay for a date?

    I always pay, UNLESS I am broke she pays for a little of it, but I always try to pay atleast most of the ****, because she doesnt buy me food, she buys me little presents all the time so she pays me back eventually.
  12. F

    how to not have chicks IM

    I use IM to talk to everyone, if theres a social gathering its helluva lot easier to IM 30 people than to call 30 people. I mainly use it as a mass communication tool, not to really talk to anyone, but mostly to inform people of parties, or gatherings
  13. F

    when girls ask for money

    Usually, I get asked for money alot, and if its a girl, and she says she will pay me back, I just kino the situation, which is not hard at all, and if its only 1 or 2 dollars, doesnt really bother me, its not like im saving up for anything......