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  1. P

    Frigid girlfriend?

    ive been seeing this girl for couple months now but havent' done anything with her besides make-out wiff her alot. I only recently found out she was a virgin after a drunken talk with her in which she sed she wanted her first time be special...ect but later that nite she on went on bout how she...
  2. P

    stuff to do?

    she chose the cinema last time instead of those and dont think a bunch of "14" year olds can buy alchol. ill talk 2 her 2 morrow bout it
  3. P

    stuff to do?

    i did ask her 2 go for a walkto this park but she didnt seem 2 like the idea or the museum and zoo since it costs a bit .ill ask her about ice skatin and try again with zoo/ museum/ park
  4. P

    stuff to do?

    no snow here and the arcade is pretty ****ty and miles away, wot sorta stuff cud we do if she came 2 my house
  5. P

    stuff to do?

    im sorta goin out witf this person but there is never anything mildly interestin we can do 2 gether, so we end up not seeing each other alot of the time. ive obv went 2 the cinema with her and shes been 2 my house both were quite bad coz both of us are shy. ive looked at some of the ideas on...
  6. P

    How do you start phone convo?

    mb talk 2 her more imperson, so u no wot u could talk about. if you are just phoning her for a chat you might want to make notes incase it gets realy awkward and silent
  7. P

    kiss first date?

    since u appearntly do have 2 kiss in the cinema. how do i go about it?
  8. P

    kiss first date?

    im just scared of just coming frends
  9. P

    kiss first date?

    Im goin 2 be goin out wiff this girl i like but im realy bad with kissing/huggin signals. we're both a bit shy and i wasnt 2 sure if i should try a kiss.She said us goin out wouldnt work coz i was 2 shy but i really want her.
  10. P

    should i tell her?

    isnt that a bit freaky since weve nvr spoken before
  11. P

    should i tell her?

    yeah i cant really meet her till i go back 2 school then illl be able 2 walk home wiff her since we go the same way just hope she dont lose interest in me till then
  12. P

    should i tell her?

    i would like 2 telll her before she ends up going out wiff sum 1 else. this guy she really likes but she says its more of a fantasy coz hes out of her league and shes 2 shy 2 say anything. i guess i have a chance since she doesnt speak 2 many guys and allready thinks im kl. im not exactly...
  13. P

    should i tell her?

    it was my friends idea, anyway i could probaly say hi no prob but since its a very noisy club i see her at the convesation wont be amazing, since im know 4 bad hearin. wot would be the next step of tellin her i like her then?
  14. P

    should i tell her?

    i like this girl but since im really shy i dont have the nerv 2 talk 3 her in my friend gave me her msn and 4 the past couple weeks weve been talking alot and became quite friendly. she said that shed speak 2 me some time but evey time were 2 gether she nvr even says hi. she...