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  1. G

    Tips for Success

    good stuff man!
  2. G

    How to get neck bigger?

    Isn't this forum all about asking questions? Get your facts straight and mind your own business.
  3. G

    How to get neck bigger?

    Hey all, I've been weight training for about a year now. I've been eating healthy and having about 2500 of good calories a day. My legs and upper body is getting bigger but I noticed that my neck is still narrow. I was wondering how you can get your neck bigger? Open to any suggestions. Thanks.
  4. G

    Should I fly to SFO to meeet HOT chic?

    IMO I wouldn't do it, not worth it unless I know I'm going to get laid. You also say that she will be visiting relatives. Sounds to me you're going to be surrounded by family. She is also asian and asian families are very conservative. Hard to imagine being alone with misses. Well, just do what...
  5. G

    How much protein?

    I did a search and couldn't find anything. Can anyone tell me how much protein you need in a day. Grams or percentage? Open to any suggestions. And is Soy protein better than Whey?
  6. G

    Mixed signals! Wtf??

    Thanks man. So I just stop trying to talk to her and move on by ignoring her not saying hi right?
  7. G

    Mixed signals! Wtf??

    Im not going after this girl. I just don't want her to feel ackward around me even when we get off class. I don't want her running away from me. I just want to at least say hi and conversate like real human beings. I just dont get it these days...
  8. G

    Mixed signals! Wtf??

    Re: Re: Mixed signals! Wtf?? See ok this is where everyone got this whole message mixed up. I didn't tell her I had a g/f even after she offered me a ride you kidding me. I just had that thought in my head that I knew I had a g/f. Also, she is a friend of my bestfriend's sister. And she...
  9. G

    Mixed signals! Wtf??

    Ok here is the scenario. Last week I posted a thread about this girl in my nite class who sits across the room from me and I finally had the balls to say hello after class...yadda yadda we had a good friendly conversation. She offered me a ride to my car but I refused because I have a g/f. my...
  10. G

    bench press question??

    This topic was probably posted before. When bench pressing, do you bring the bar all the way down to your chest for one rep? Or do you go half way? Open to any suggestions. Thanks!
  11. G

    Did i do the right thing?

    Hey sup guys. I'm taking this night class, and there is this girl that sits across the room from me. After class she's walking down the hall keeps lookin back at me like she wants to have a conversation. I hesitated a bit and kept on walking, right when we got outside I had the balls to speak...
  12. G

    is it bad to have too much potatoes.

    Re: Re: is it bad to have too much potatoes. I actually need the weight. Im 5'7 143lbs but I don't do any cardio excercises. I just hit weights at the most 3x a week.
  13. G

    is it bad to have too much potatoes.

    is too much potatoes bad for you. I have potatoes with every meals. Just curious.
  14. G

    Should I do cardio if I want to gain?

    Hello, I'm about 5'7 145lbs, and I want to gain muscles and weight. Is it manditory to do cardio such as running on the treadmill. or will that keep me skinny? Open to any suggestions. Thanks!
  15. G

    I look too does she mean.

    Hello all, I'm 24 years old but I look like I'm 17. Not bad looking, plus I got an athletic body...But the only problem is I look too damn young. Ladies who I've talked with especially strangers say I look too young for my age. I get carded for alcohol I dont mind that. But when they find out...
  16. G

    Ninja's girls (pics)

    Thought wrong about you I come on here once in a while to read threads that are interesting. To see some of your post you seem like a DJ to me. But in the end you got your card pulled...It all turns out that you were just a fake...Haha...What a loser! how do you post pics of peeps you don't...
  17. G

    Found some pictures

    Post the pics!!! Post for all to see!!!
  18. G

    Link to the DJ bible??

    Thanks! How stupid do I feel right now. May close this thread now.
  19. G

    Link to the DJ bible??

    Yes I did a search and couldn't find anything. I was wondering if anyone happen to have a link to the dj bible? Much appreciated.
  20. G

    Went to the movies...

    The reason why she asked you if "why are you watching the movie like that" is because she wanted you to make a move on her instead of watching the movie. So basically after the movie she did not show you any attention due to the fact that you didn't make any kino during the movie. If you want...