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  1. G

    To guys who were really rubbish with girls.

    I don't know, it makes you feel that because she rejected you, you are lower than her. I know this is the wrong way to think, but I'm sure many who have gotten good at this thought this way at some point.
  2. G

    To guys who were really rubbish with girls.

    What your saying makes sense, but can you explain more? I don't know how to do all this playing hard to get stuff. It seems unbelievable ridiculous, it's as though the girl is interested, but if you show any interest, boom she backs off. It blows my mind that getting together with someone has...
  3. G

    To guys who were really rubbish with girls.

    Rejection stings big time. It can make you not want to try with another girl because when it happens so many times, you keep thinking it's not gonna get better. I have to admit, I used to be good with getting girls, but years later (presently) I've become rubbish at it, The rejections really...
  4. G

    I'm getting sick of the "hey i gotta run now ****"

    Oh and if she pulls that I'm busy bull**** constantly with you, why not turn the tables on her, you do it.
  5. G

    I'm getting sick of the "hey i gotta run now ****"

    Hi, just wanna say that telephones are relationship killers. I never like to talk on the phone, infact most of my conversations may last under 8 mins, I just use the phone to set up outings with friends or any girls I may be interested in.
  6. G

    Bull****! and I will tell you why.

    Picture doesn't work my friend, gives me that x in the frame. Anyways, guess the reason I posted this is that It does kinda have to do with me. I'm an ok looking guy, with a great personality, smart and lots of ambition for the future. I'm currently 24 and in my final year at University...
  7. G

    Bull****! and I will tell you why.

    I've read through most of those articles and I have to say while they were very interesting reads, will not work with most people and I will tell you why. Most of those articles talk about the guy getting the upper hand and making the girl chase after him. Girls will never be interested in a guy...