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  1. C

    Ugly Guy Game: A Hypothetical Situation

    You are an ugly man. That is, maybe you're not ugly in the traditional sense, but ugly in such a way that all women, by default, are simply not attracted to you by virtue of sight. They are not, however, repulsed by you and will interact with you as they would any guy that they're not into. This...
  2. C

    Best response in this situation?

    Who the hell sends blank texts?
  3. C

    What is the more Don Juan thing to do?

    Don't refrain from telling her that you're not going if it's gonna make whatever she has to do for the university any more difficult. That's just common courtesy, dude. Don't be a prick.
  4. C

    I can't "love" women... (NO HOMO)

    As much as I'd like to generalize and say that women are all soul-sucking leeches that are out to make you miserable, the truth is a lot more complicated. Some women are evil, some women are crazy, and some women are all of the above, but some aren't. Don't fall into the trap of having a few bad...
  5. C

    Confidence vs. Arrogance

    Here's how it is: Confidence is being sure of yourself. It's when you get **** done. Other people might be impressed, but it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is that you did what you had to do. Arrogance is being sure of yourself and pushing it upon other people. It's when you go...
  6. C

    Don't cheesy pickup lines make PERFECT openers?

    ANYTHING makes a good opener if you've got the personality to back it up.
  7. C

    Just when I thought I was ready for love, it bites me in the ass.

    I met my girlfriend around 3 years ago and we had been friends with benefits on and off up until about 5 months ago when we decided to actually commit to one another for the first time. We were together 24/7 and never got sick of each other. 2 months later, I was in love. Apparently, she was too...
  8. C

    Social awkwardness

    Here's the situation: I've always had friends and socialize all the time, yet consistently get called "socially awkward" or "weird" by all different sorts of people. Recently, a female friend of mine said that it's my social awkwardness that seems to get in the way of me having sex or any sort...
  9. C

    Social awkwardness

    Exactly what is it and how does one overcome it? Discuss
  10. C

    So how exactly do I approach in bars?

    So I just turned 21 about a month ago and recently started hitting up the bar scene, but I usually just end up hanging out with the friends I go there with instead of actually meeting new people. I have no trouble talking to people that I'm introduced to, but I I feel a bit weird about...
  11. C

    My story so far...

    Thanks guys. Here's the gameplan: If I see her at the bar, I'll be like, "Oh ****. I totally forgot to call you back! Sorry 'bout that. You wanted to know why I deleted you off of FB, right? Well, I told you the conditions of being my friend and you didn't get back to me, so I went ahead and...
  12. C

    My story so far...

    So I read it over and goddamn I sound like such a woman. Still, advice would be appreciated.
  13. C

    My story so far...

    So I started seeing this girl about a month and a half ago. Funny thing is, I never even asked for her number. She GAVE it to me and said, "If I gave you my number, would you actually call?" I honestly wasn't that interested at first, but since I hadn't been on any dates in a while, I figured...
  14. C

    Through experience, I've learned the secret to all DJism

    It's funny how the general consensus in this forum has gone from "Looks don't matter" to "Looks matter, but only somewhat" to "**** it. Looks matter a lot."
  15. C

    Through experience, I've learned the secret to all DJism

    Get better looking. :cry:
  16. C

    Explain to me why this girl is with this dude

    Does it really matter?
  17. C

    Girls tell me I look a lot older than I am

    I'm 20 and people say I look anywhere from 22-25
  18. C

    Girls tell me I look a lot older than I am

    Is this a bad thing and if so, what do I do about it?
  19. C

    Curses! She's got the herps.

    The story: there's this girl in my class, we hang out every day, and we obviously like eachother. Hell, she even openly said it to me. The problem: I found out that she has oral herpes and, well, I don't. :cuss:
  20. C

    Approaching Vs Engaging

    If a girl is already attracted to you on some level, you can approach with pretty much anything. It doesn't really have to be contextually relevant. While I agree that it seems way less natural, it's just a learned skill that you have to pick up on. The only thing is that you can't come off as...