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  1. S

    An old acquaintance...

    So true. I have been caught up in the whole IM thing way too much a few times and it's only ruined things. I will definitely get her phone number off of her ASAP and try to make this happen.
  2. S

    Interest vs. Attraction

    I agree with szof. From my experience I have noticed that women generally ask a question in retort to one of yours as an indicator of interest. For example if you ask them something about themselves, they'll return the question by making it a little bit more personal. I have found that this...
  3. S

    An old acquaintance...

    I've let her know that I want to hang out with her, I closed off my last email with a pretty solid ****y but funny routine and should get a response from her soon enough. I find that most of the trouble with trying to go from online to real life lies in the initial exchanges. It's tough to...
  4. S

    An old acquaintance...

    I have recently contacted a girl who I haven't been in contact with for a couple of years. I found her through facebook and thought I'd drop her a line because she's good looking. Anyways, I'm fairly new at this all and would like some advice on how to go about bedding her, starting with...