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  1. F

    Checking on her car and turning it into going out?

    If your going for another ride get her to stop by around supper after your cleaned up from work take an hour or two to check the car driving and at the shop if necessary, then while out in the car just say you never got a chance to eat supper and ask her if she'd like to grab a bite (a casual...
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Good for you and all Pugs with getting the girl and hopefully things workout, but you've only been on like 2-3 dates and your already calling her marriage material when for all you know she breaks it off tommorow. Your setting yourself up for a preety hard fall if things don't work out. Take...
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    7 dates until I found her inner b i t c h

    Ya if yer really into the girl find out what days of the month that they get like this and don't call them if you can go 4 days without seeing a girl. 90% of the time a girl is being petty and stupid over small stuff its just that time of month man nothing you can do about it.
  4. F

    Reading Signs

    Thanks and ya ill get around to asking her either way whats the worst that could happen eh but for the next two weekends fer her and me its a busy time so i dunno when. Another thing she has said is that i make her laugh and that im good at it(making her laugh) which seems like a good thing...
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    Reading Signs

    I recently just got back from a March break trip with like 50 other kids at my school(not school sanctioned though) and well there I let it all loose and basically alot of ppl who never really noticed or talked to me before do now. So when we got back the first night one of the girls on the...
  6. F

    No car No date?

    Parents Your 15 she'll understand that you dont have yer license yet and wont care just get yer parents to drop you off places and stuff or go anywhere within walking distance. When i was 15 my GF would get her parents or i would get mine to drop us off somewhere and pick us up it wa a big...
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    I just thought of something!

    Yawning In theory it works but yawning can attract attention to0, which gets people to look at you. Most people make a noise or a large change in facial features which both can be noticed by someone not paying attention to you and then they look over and yawn to but you get the wrong idea.
  8. F

    Problem bout an ex and her friend

    DJing gone bad LOL you made a good response to the question just did it in the wrong situation. Refuse the baby sitting thing(your busy) and all other alone hook ups but go out in groups then she wont think your avoiding her and wont hurt her feelings. She'll stress over you a bit and if...
  9. F

    Girls are not *****es

    *****es There are definatley some girls with the looks to control SOME men and are *****es. The way to step out of this is to stand up to it and exude your own confidence and looks on her. I have a first hand example from school where a twogirls will make fun of a group of boys that I sit...
  10. F

    Does she like me and how do i take her?

    Ganji Games 1. I am a newbie to the board but not when it comes to picking up so you dont have to really talk down about me ;). 2. I have read about Ganji games and i have to admit its something i have never tried (but i have never needed to before) The thing is i dont seeing it working...
  11. F

    Does she like me and how do i take her?

    Thanks Thanks Viva but what i am looking for is the step by step one ;). I have been with the plenty of other girls and sampled many different types of people and have no trouble getting them and some have lasted a long time others not but now this is a new challenge and it intrigues me...
  12. F

    Does she like me and how do i take her?

    Hey new to the boards and could use some help. My situation is this I have had girls from school and work and the other school in my county over the years but this year i am going to a school just built this year and meeting a lot of chicks i would of never met before. So after scoping out...