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  1. J

    How would you get a girl's number off of myspace...

    who was a girl you knew in elementary school and just found over myspace (We're seniors now)?
  2. J

    When is it too much kino?

    Oh God. XD
  3. J


    I agree. Just go, you'll be drunk and high anyway.
  4. J

    I got fired from my first part time job.

    Well, damn. If you made it out of that then I guess I've got nothing to complain about. I applied at CVS and Bestbuy last night and I'm about to go to the mall nearby to see if any stores are hiring (I guess I'll get some practice in too). Though to be honest it feels like a whole lot more than...
  5. J

    I got fired from my first part time job.

    This sucks. At the end of my shift last night my manager (The store manager) brought me to his office and told me that my department manager had said that I wasn't "productive" enough and that they "had to let me go". This is a complete shock to me. I had absolutely no idea that I was in danger...
  6. J

    Why does it seem like every girl is taken?

    It seems like all the datable girls in my school are already in LTRs. To make matters worse the ratio of hot to ugly girls in my school is horrible. What do I do?
  7. J

    Is 17 too young?

    If it's legal then hit it.
  8. J

    When "Men Start Trying to Get Too Close"

    It's you, not him. $3 is nothing and most people wouldn't mind giving that to someone to help them out.
  9. J

    Ah, crap. I thought too much and got nervous and now can't stop.

    Nah, it was cool. I called her up and then my friend (Her cousin) came in and things went smoothly. Because of that I had a reason to not stay on the phone long and I got a bit of rapport going. I didn't get to ask her out but she knows I smoke weed so that's pretty cool.
  10. J

    Ah, crap. I thought too much and got nervous and now can't stop.

    Hahaha. Funny you suggested that. I'm talking to this girl I've known since elementary school online right now (Not the same thing as calling but whatever). It's just irrational fear spawned from other fear (Like "Oh **** I gotta stop being nervous or I'm ****ED!"). I'm feeling better now.
  11. J

    Ah, crap. I thought too much and got nervous and now can't stop.

    Any advice on just simply relaxing? I want to call this girl but I went and thought to much and I'm now nervous as ****. Unfortunately while trying to stop being nervous my body's made me more nervous in this stupid little cycle.
  12. J

    "You're so funny!" *lolololol*

    This reminds me of when I was a Freshmen in High School and this girl found me to be THE funniest human being in the entire world. She absolutely loved listening to me talk and would sit next to me and start rubbing her leg against me as I would go on (Unfortunately I was an AFC and my friend...
  13. J the wrong time!!!

    Don't worry about it. You're a man. But if you absolutely needed to get rid of a boner for some reason just do math out in your head. The harder the math the less hard you become. But you really shouldn't worry about it. I was finishing up my first approach last week when I went to get a pen...
  14. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Haha, I'm still excited about the whole thing. The anxiety was really just temporary.
  15. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Great advice. I have a bunch of ideas on what to do when we get there, I'm just a little worried now after that short phone call. She DID counter-offer by asking if there was another day we could go out on but I'm just a bit worried that when I call her later this week I'll face the same story...
  16. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Ah ****, oops. I just remembered when we were talking she dropped a couple of lifelines in the conversation that I didn't pick up on (She mentioned seeing a movie, I could've asked which one then what movies she likes, ect. ect.). Damn, I feel a little slow now since that could have helped the...
  17. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Alright. I just got off the phone with her. I called her, asked her how it's been going, what she did this weekend, ect. I asked her out for today and she said she was busy today and after a brief pause asked if another day would be good. I said Tuesday and she said she's going job fishing that...
  18. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Well the skating rink is a bit of a walk and I'm planning on walking there with her so I figured we'd be talking all the way down there. Anyway, I called her before I went to work and no one was home. Would calling her tomorrow say around 10ish and asking her out for 2ish be a good idea? I'd...
  19. J

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    I'm about to call this girl who I got her number from yesterday (First approach ever!) and after doing some thinking I remembered there's a roller skating rink near where we live. Good idea?
  20. J

    conversation starters

    Just make sure she isn't God before you do anything. Kudos if you know what I'm talking about.