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  1. M

    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    I think your reading comprehension sucks a bit also buddy. In no way have I contradicted myself nor misread. I said I show interest in men and show it when they show interest in me. Why should I show interest first. Women are programmed that men love the chase and men do not like strong...
  2. M

    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    I never said he got her, I'm saying he is futilely chasing after her and when she rejects him snottily, he comes groveling back to the 30 year old woman thinking that she'll be happy to have him. Wrong. I won't even bother to humor most of your senseless generalizations about women over 30...
  3. M

    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    Interesting article I think the important thing to remember is that the blame for this lies neither solely on men nor women. Men may very well be frustrated because women act rudely toward them. I personally have never witnessed a woman with any ounce of class treat a man like dirt but I am...