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  1. W

    WR Publication #0002: Dance Classes

    White Rose Publication #0002 Dance Classes Not familiar with White Rose? This will answer your questions: White Rose chooses to publish it's articles in the first person. All articles are written to be one person's experiences; when in...
  2. W

    Read This DJs - Introducing White Rose

    Basically, what that means is that it's preferable for members not to reply to this thread and say "Oh I'm a member!". Sorry we didn't respond to your question sooner, it must been overlooked by accident (it didn't contain swear words or an epic story).
  3. W

    Read This DJs - Introducing White Rose

    This is the kind of thing our group is talking about when we mention "Keyboard Jockeys". While it's known that they have their place in every forum, they're not welcome.
  4. W

    Read This DJs - Introducing White Rose

    Please, I ask that you read this whole post before replying Hey everyone, this post is just to introduce and explain what White Rose is. We're simply an online group that believes it's members have good advice to give, and have the ability to help other fellow DJs. With the exception of Allen...