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  1. C

    Possible LTR prospect drops this on me...

    this is my first time at ever seeing this site and my first few posts as well. At some point, I may post a pic... But I have no reason to deceive....Actually it never occurred to me that my gender would be questioned. Yeah, I am chick----for real.
  2. C

    Minimun System Requirements for a Cool Chick

    Hey DJohnson, Serious question---Is it always a lame manipulative game when guys send flowers? Buy little thoughtful gifts? I for one cannot even fathom wasting any time or money on any guy....but my intent could be different....Truly though, if a guy REALLY digs a girl, he WILL do those...
  3. C

    Minimun System Requirements for a Cool Chick

    As a girl I can say a bit about this--- High quality women with a lot going for them (breeding, beauty, brains, cash, or ability to make cash) will almost always seek out their equal or better. As a woman, I can say that it is terribly frustrating to see how men want physical perfection but do...
  4. C

    Possible LTR prospect drops this on me...

    Hi Fellas, Okay, I am a chick on this site, I guess I better just tell you now....and I can say, really, that it is NEVER a good idea for ANYONE to ask their partner how many people they have slept one will be straight with the answer, not even girls. I can't stand it when I hear...
  5. C

    How do the rules apply whith depressed girls?

    depressed girls? Guys, Just like you would not buy or ride in a car that is broken down or prone to problems, you would not want to pursue or get involved with any girl who is messed up in the head. Seeing it way too many times with my guy friends getting tangled up in the drama of 'dating'...