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  1. D

    DJ Bootcamp Registration!!!!!!!!

    Dude Im in I love to improve even though i get about 5 numbers every weekend when i go out, hey but sometimes none
  2. D

    10 Things you wish to do before you die

    Well i had always wanted to do this post yours if you want -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Have 10 really hot girlfriends in the course of my lifetime 2. Visit New York City, I've heard there is a...
  3. D

    30 day fast

  4. D

    Ingrown toenails - toe numbness

    Dude i been through that twice just go to the doctor and tell them to remove it. It won't take more than 45 minutes yeah it hurts like hell after the procedure but its better than having it there ruining you day every day, just go take it out ASAP, don't wait 3 months like me.
  5. D

    Texas the #1 DJ state in the U.S.

    From houston