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  1. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    I finished, but I'm going to have to drop out of this bootcamp. Some personal stuff came up that I need to take care of. I just don't feel like I'll be in the right emotional state to continue for awhile. I've come a long way in the past three weeks, and I am truely sorry that I am dropping...
  2. G

    A New Generation Of Don Juans

    No problem...I'm in two! :D
  3. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    I got my second convo done! 2. There's a smoking hot Asian chick that just started at my office. I know it's not a good idea to date co-workers, but this is just for practice. Anyway, I took her out to get a quick cup of coffee from the cafe down the street. The conversation went pretty...
  4. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    Okay. I got my first HB convo for the week! 1. I talked to an HB8 at the local university last night on my way to my painting class. We talked about artwork and her career. She's a lawyer. Been practicing for about 4 years. I'm guessing she's probably about 30, but she was pretty cute...
  5. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Hi assignment poll

    The first few hi's are still a little hard, but after that, it comes pretty easily.
  6. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    I'll probably have to start late this week, but it should be easy none the less! I have tons of committments to friends/work/etc. during the week, but this weekend will be a cake-walk! I'm trying to get one of my buddies to go out sarging with me this weekend. This will be my first real...
  7. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    We only need 10 convos for week 2? Okay. I'm done then. I don't have time to post a full run down of my experience because I'm at work now (my internet connection at home pooped out). Let's start week 3!
  8. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    Okay, I started this assignment late this week (too much to do at work again). So far I have two conversations. Convo #1 Cashier chick at the supermarket. I talked to her about how her day was going. Short shift at work...relaxing for the rest of the day...plans for the night...blah...
  9. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Finally finished the assignment! I feel a lot more confident interacting with people in general after doing it! You know, the whole thing actually made me feel a bit like an extravert (I'd always figured I was an intravert). I found myself eagerly hunting down people to say hello to and it...
  10. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    All right! Some of you are starting to complete the assignment! Good job guys! I'm up to 36 hi's and a butt load of EC! I'm going out now to knock out the last 14 hi's! I'm in a terrific mood, so this shouldn't take long!
  11. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Wow! It seems like a lot of people are getting ignored! I'm actually kind of surprised. I'm up to 21 hi's and I've only been given the cold sholder once. And I live in Seattle too (supposedly the least friendly city in the US)! Well, keep up the good work everyone. I'm about to get off...
  12. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    All right! I got 2 more hi's on the way to work this morning. Then another 15 after work while I was walking around down town! It's still a little hard, but I can feel my confidence growing! It gets easier each time! I even ended up having a conversation with two college kids that have...
  13. G

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    I couldn't start the exercises until this afternoon because I was ultra-slammed at work and had to work massive overtime. So I need to catch up fast! So far, I've been doing tons of eye contact. I haven't really kept track. But at this rate, I'll be way over the minimum by the end of week...
  14. G

    New BootCamp For ALL! (MAN UP!!!!)

    I'm in too!
  15. G

    How Does a DJ Deal with Direct Questions?

    I'm just curious how a DJ would deal with direct questions like: "Do you think I'm beautiful?" "How do you feel about me?" "Do you love me?" Just curious. Thanks. -Genji
  16. G

    My Ex-gf is Confusing Me!

    Hi everyone. Thanks for the replies. I did reply to my ex's e-mail. I pretty much wrote what Trevor said, but I toned it down a little bit to be more subtle. She e-mailed me back in less than an hour. She basically said, "I also want to remain friends. I don't like it when you're so...
  17. G

    My Ex-gf is Confusing Me!

    Hi. I'll try to keep this short. I'm an RAFC and I've just started using some DJ techniques a short while ago. I know I still have a long way to go. Before I started coming to this site, my girlfriend decided that she needed to take a break from our relationship. I realize now that this...