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  1. D

    IMPORTANT!! Do we ACTUALLY need SoSuave?

    Well Killa this is me personally, but I come back for the past posts and because there really are some cool guys here. I really don't think the current state of this forum should be this way, I think it should be like it was in old times. If it was, man...this forum would be rocking! You...
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    IMPORTANT!! Do we ACTUALLY need SoSuave?

    Reality what I'm finding, and I'm trying to post as much info. to you guys as possible before they ban my black azz again, lol. If you guys would just BE IN SEXUAL STATE, and learn how to stay there....the whole interaction progresses right to where you want it to go...and that's sex...
  3. D

    How would you deal with this situation?

    "I really wanted to approach her after we got out of the bus, but the moment she left the bus her friends were already there and she started talking to them, so I didn´t approach." See, this is the shyt I'm talking about. If you would just be in sexual state, you won't even have fears...
  4. D

    is it supposed to smell

    Well, I didn't call myself "PVSSYEATER" for nothing, lol. No, it shouldn't smell badly, if it does....then be blunt and go tell her azz she needs to wash her azz, because you want to eat some pvssy, and the smell is knocking you the fvck out..... Seriously, tell her that, she'll go take...
  5. D

    Fighting my inner Wuss.

    But he doesn't have a relationship...... You say treat her "like" a fvck buddy, at this point in their lives, THAT'S ALL SHE IS! I wouldn't hang with a guy I just met and tell him all my life secrets and be "realll cooool with him" shyt, it takes time to get to know a person, I mean I can...
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    Don't Have Any Friends and I Feel Like ****

    To the original poster..... "Why can't I find someone who lives a balanced life? Studies weekdays and parties weekends, without being in a frat?" Because majority of people, sorry to say this, are losers and followers. They follow the "popular groups" and they do what the "crowd" is...
  7. D

    IMPORTANT!! Do we ACTUALLY need SoSuave?

    Till The End of Time said, "Virtually EVERY single problem you have with women most likely has roots in lack of confidence." End the forum right there.... Have I NOT SAID just be relaxed, comfortable, and sexual? Confidence is really nothing but being relaxed and
  8. D

    Do women just go from boyfriend to boyfriend?

    But I guess honestly, maybe what I'm saying either 1. Sounds too good to be true to you guys or 2. You just really don't understand sexual flow. I honestly believe it's number 2. I mean, it throws all the "rules" out the window. You can be a nice guy, clingy azz AFC, and still get...
  9. D

    Do women just go from boyfriend to boyfriend?

    And back to Zero, I mean, why is this sooo hard for you guys? Be in sexual state, let the thing progress to sex, if you just stay in sexual state, it all goes to the massaging, kissing, foreplay, all leads right to sex. Now, you do need a strong positive attitude...
  10. D

    Do women just go from boyfriend to boyfriend?

    :crackup: lol, god I svck? Lol, are you sure about that? Weren't you the one with the “looks theory” what happened to that great big wonderful post you were going to make on that buddy? I’m still waiting to come on here drunk one night and take a whiff of that bullshyt. Lol, seriously...
  11. D

    Wouldn't Stay The Night

    From my experience, what it looks like is that she just wasn't feeling you man OR...OR, if you had a great sexual chemistry going on, she could have been telling the truth. What I would have did was just fvcked her and then told her to call her ride. Why did you want her spending the night...
  12. D

    Do women just go from boyfriend to boyfriend?

    Its called being human............ loving sex................ it's what I keep tryin to preach to you dumbazzes but you seem to not know how to fvckin READ AND COMPREHEND.
  13. D

    Fighting my inner Wuss.

    Most guys won't take my advice given however, reason being is due to the way we are taught. It's the programming bullshyt that still needs to get out of you guys' heads. Being in a relationship with a girl is a "gift" to the girl. You don't just give your "gift" to just anybody. Why the hell...
  14. D

    Fighting my inner Wuss.

    Take my advice before I'm banned again. Guys you have to understand, because a girl fvcks you, that does not mean she likes you, cares about you, or even wants to hang with you. Majority of the girls I encounter when I'm doin my sexual state thing, most of them are really just great fvcks...
  15. D

    Knowledge and sadness...

    Before I'm banned again, I think I should help shed some light to the original poster. You said, "that the more a person learns about the world and the wiser he or she becomes, the less "happiness" or contentment they experience daily." Actually it's quite the opposite. The more I learn...